Height Standardisation




Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
To be honest, most of it is actually Rob's steadfast refusal to actually learn anything about art past what he did initially...which was copy comic books. He gets a nice bit of dynamics out of a lot of his work, but everything else is so horrible it's hard to care.
Actually, I've looked through that list people consistently bring up to slap Rob Leifeld, an I find I like most of the images there. Sure, there's the odd complete disaster like that Captain America pic, but I actually enjoy the guy's art style. Not necessarily his chaotic designs, mind you, but his general art style and proportions.

Maybe that makes me weird. I don't know. Considering the characters I have, that wouldn't surprise me.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Gabriel Fry View Post
I would say that if the size of the pedestrians were scaled to the cars and player characters it would look more like CoM (city of midgets). In every game I have played scale has been off. Terrain is always too large (to compensate for camera angles) and NPCs are either too large, or look tiny compared to the terrain.
That's not unavoidable, though, and is actually a rather big problem. For instance, watching a friend of mine play WoW, it feels like he's playing in one of those "room" levels most FPS games have, where players are tiny in a giant room. Sometimes the excuse is that the building was built for giants, which is why doorways are 50 feet tall and the floors are made up of stone slabs big enough to hold a small house, but a lot of the time it just feels like Jack and the Beanstalk stuff for no adequately explained reason.

Personally, I actually wouldn't be against scaling civilians down and doing nothing else. It'd look a little weird, but but it wouldn't change much in actual practice since villains will be the same size.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
AHeight scale in City of Heroes is something that has always been "off." One piece of advise I'm going to give everyone right off the bat - ignore the height ruler at character creation. It's drawn to its own fictitious scale that has nothing to do with anything at all. Instead, peruse the height SLIDER.
Samuel is 99% correct... only thing I would add is that the background height ruler at launch was not off. Somewhere along the line, the background height ruler got shrunk somehow. Started saying average height characters were well over 6' tall instead of closer to 6'ish. Maybe it went through the wash. Anyway, follow the rest of Samuel's advice and you'll be fine.



Throw my name on the list of people who have been extremely thrown for a loop when trying to make a "normal"-sized character and having to suffer through seeing 75% of the civilians, vendors and contacts towering above them at (According to the character creation ruler) 7 or 8 feet. I really don't notice it as much when I make a big character (The character just doesn't end up looking as big as I'd like... okay, so that's pretty noticeable; I'm just not TRYING for a "stands waaaay above the average height" look in most of my big characters), nor when I make a small character (Everything under 7 feet will have "normal" NPCs looking satisfactorily larger), but damn. It's so annoying.

Couple this madness with the madness of cars that clearly can't fit a 6-foot character without severe discomfort. It's laughable to see 8-foot people who look pretty normal (Pedestrians, vendors or contacts... also enemies, except sometimes they have good excuses) near vehicles (Which is all the time, because streets and parking lots are everywhere).

I would *really* like to see civilians, contacts, vendors, etc. scaled down. When's the last time you saw a 5-foot civilian? You've never seen one, that's when. What about 4-foot super-powered contacts or vendors? If they can (And often are) 8 feet tall due to powers, then surely they can just as easily be SMALL characters. But they aren't. They NEVER are.

Unless you're cheating by counting The Radio or something.



Samuel_Tow has one aspect:

Actually, I've looked through that list people consistently bring up to slap Rob Leifeld, an I find I like most of the images there. Sure, there's the odd complete disaster like that Captain America pic, but I actually enjoy the guy's art style. Not necessarily his chaotic designs, mind you, but his general art style and proportions.

Maybe that makes me weird. I don't know. Considering the characters I have, that wouldn't surprise me.
Well, you liking it doesn't keep it from being bad, and it being bad shouldn't keep you from liking it. Those are two different concepts. It's very clear to a critical eye that Rob lacks knowledge in anatomy, design, consistency and ethics. But, if you like his flashy and "surface" style, then you like it. That's your call.

Plus, in general, don't look at his Hawk and Dove stuff. Those drawings are more Karl Kesel's (the "inker") work than Rob's.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
Well, you liking it doesn't keep it from being bad, and it being bad shouldn't keep you from liking it. Those are two different concepts. It's very clear to a critical eye that Rob lacks knowledge in anatomy, design, consistency and ethics. But, if you like his flashy and "surface" style, then you like it. That's your call.
Yeah, not saying it's GOOD. But to quote the Spoony one, something doesn't need to be good to be AWESOME I guess I just like weird, off-kilter artwork. That's part of the reason I like the weirder side of anime like Soul Eater or Trigun or, hell, even Dragonball Z. I guess sometimes you need to abandon what's actually good and what works to find something new and exciting that you just couldn't get the "proper" way. And for all of his faults, Rob did manage to basically establish his own unique style that many have copied since, and many with even better results.

Plus, in general, don't look at his Hawk and Dove stuff. Those drawings are more Karl Kesel's (the "inker") work than Rob's.
Yeah, that's actually something to keep in mind. I just went though about 20 issues of Image Comics' Freak Force which did have Leifeldian artwork, but I don't think were drawn by Leifeld, and actually looked pretty dang good.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Assisace View Post
The character just doesn't end up looking as big as I'd like... okay, so that's pretty noticeable; I'm just not TRYING for a "stands waaaay above the average height" look in most of my big characters
That's a recurring problem of mine. I don't like making characters max height for no reason, so I keep trying to make mine high, but not too high. This usually results in them being nothing more than average height and barely matching the NPCs, which was never the intent. I've had to upsize several "big" characters when the Science pack came out.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Samuel_Tow should reference my "ethics" comment:

Yeah, that's actually something to keep in mind. I just went though about 20 issues of Image Comics' Freak Force which did have Leifeldian artwork, but I don't think were drawn by Leifeld, and actually looked pretty dang good.
Rob has also been accused (rightly, to my mind), in the past, of having his underlings do a lot of his drawing for him and then taking sole credit.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Bounder View Post
I'm just glad that we can now adjust our height at the tailor.
We can? I just went to the tailor today to try it and the only thing I saw that could "change my height" was the leg slider.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



Originally Posted by Night-Hawk07 View Post
We can? I just went to the tailor today to try it and the only thing I saw that could "change my height" was the leg slider.
Only if you have the Science Booster Pack...
And then you need to go to the Cosmetic Surgeon titled tailor NPCs (All the Icons and Facemakers have them as does the Vanguard Base and Pocket D [In the VIP room... if you have the GvE code on your account])... Damn exclusive stuff... It will only get more complicated telling people things.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"