Teamwork ftw :)
Yes, this team was awesome, I'm so glad everyone stuck around for one master run after another- usually 1 run is stressful enough! 4 Master's would have been epic, but I think we did great with 3 back to back I have found that on all the toons I have Master badges on, some of the most un-conventional teams are the ones that get it. I see so many people turned down from Mo runs because they didn't have the "right" AT. We put this team together on a whim, via the chat channels, didn't make any requirements to join, and we were all rewarded. Everyone knew how to play their toon, and played them well, and that in my opinion, is the biggest difference maker. Great job all, what an accomplishment!
Grats to you both for filling your day with nothing but Master runs. (Looks like a friend o' mine ran in that - Aussie's good luck for Master runs, no wonder!)
Keep it rollin', looking forward to your next "zomg all the shard TFs in one session" post!

@TURGENEV - Freedom Server / IRON / B.A.N.E / HORDE

Turg Fiction: Ghost in the Machine Acts III & IV coming 2012!
Turg Fiction: IX is now LIVE on Architect Entertainment!
Great accomplishment guys.
@MarvelatMee and @COL Burn
24 - 50s
Too many ALTs
Gratz everybody!
damn impressive, good work.
i would just like to thank this amazing team for all the teamwork and hard work especially Grave Affliction for leading these 3 tfs

where where trying to do an moitf at the end but failed 2 times restarted and failed at comp we where all in diff time zone and ppl where tired so we gave up. 4 MOs in a day would of been epic
the team: 2 scraps/4 controllers/1 blaster and 1 tank
Grave Affliction
Aussie Fauna
Crazie M0fo
Teh Fiya.Kin
Preconceived Notion
Misty (who tanked are stf)