New Superpseed power announced




For another game...

"Oh NO! I'm so sorry baba! you and your wife will be sorely missed...s#@!, i did it again, didn't I?" - mintmiki
Animal Farm ID:71800
When Alts Collide: 134432



It looks goofy, but it's innovative. I look forward to seeing the rage every time it gets nerfed. It will most likely be plastered on every MMO blog.



Hasn't this game been in development since....I dunno Model T's came out? I seem to remember seeing gameplay footage from one of the E3's of past years.



Looks like they're willing to invest long term and get it right.



The effects look cool, but from the video it doesn't look like it actually lets you move very fast...



Looks pretty cool. If they pull it off it will be pretty much everything we ever wanted from SS. I really like the idea of it opening up in combat abilities.

It does look slower than ours, but I have a feeling they will slow travel down in general. It will help to avoid a lot of issues if they do.