Channel Challenge
is there a planned time for the races, or simply a deadline for submitting screenies to giles?
Any set time on this yet? I'm on the IB2 team, but want to make sure things IRL don't interfere.
team leaders are asked to let @sir giles know a./ that they are the team leader for that team and b./ what time that team has arranged to race
for instance pink channel has 8 man team ready/ team leader for it is @widowmaker and the team have decided the best time for them is at xtime est
hope this helps
i,m sure you will agree its much easier for one team to organise a time amoungst themselves rather than try and arrange a set time for erveryone to race at the same time,especially if a channel has more than 1 team
thnx for understanding
babe pink 50 scrapper
teh herc has tried all week to get his race team together for practice, but alas, to no avail. latest word is that HeadCutter is trying to organize the AEA team now. best of luck to him. Whether AEA fields a team for the race on saturday remains to be seen.
Congrats to all who played and had fun! AEA did send a team, and they successfully finished the all-blaster ITF, which is in itself quite a feat! Congrats!
The Pinks and the League 2 teams were in a neck-and-neck race, and finally finished barely a few minutes apart. Good work, guys! The League2 team edged the Pinks, but it was a hard-fought race!
The best overall time was posted by the mighty League1 team! Amazingly enough, that team of all blaster 'squishies' smashed through the Imperious task Force in the astonishing time of 32:55, and did it with only 14 defeats along the way.
Wow! Impressive work guys! How are we going to keep up our "League of Debt" mantra with thoese hinds of pergormances?
Many thanks to nightbabe for organizing the fun event, and many more thanks to the hard-playing heroes of Infinity for turning out in such great numbers to make this all happen.
Here's the screenshot of the winning team:
Congrats, guys!
Awesome job guys, hope there is many more events to come, Also many thanks to sir giles to the time he put him judging it tyvm
babe pink 50 scrapper
June 5th, : All Blaster ITF Races: The Pinks vs. The League, and IB2 vs. AEA. The Finals the following week. Prizes totaling 1 Billion influence. Choose your sides!
Team leader to give @sir Giles (neutral judge) a screen shot of there completed time
Team must consist of blasters only (all blaster)
channels can put as many teams in as they want, hower only there fastest team time will be the one that counts
Fastest team between The Pinks vs The League will recieve 200 million inf
Fastest team between AEA vs IB2 will recieve 200 million inf
Winners of those 2 races will race each other the following weekend and overall winning team will recieve 600mill inf
Need any more info feel free to contact @nightbabe (founder of the pinks)
Results will be announced and may i take the opportunity to thank the league for there contribution towards the prize money and Sir Giles for aggreeing to judge this
May the fastest team win, and all have fun
babe pink 50 scrapper