End Reduction slotted in pet upgrades...




I was nosing around power descriptions in game on my Demon Summoner when I noticed that the end reduction I had slotted in the first pet upgrade was reducing the end cost of powers that it grants to henchmen as well as reducing the power's own end cost.

It's generally accepted that slotting end reduction in your pet summons reduces both the costs of the power itself and the powers the pets use. So are powers granted through upgrades getting end reductions through the summon and the upgrade powers both or is what I'm seeing just a display issue?



Should be just the henchmen powers. The only effect that end reduction in upgrade powers has is to reduce the endurance cost of upgrading.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



It shouldn't, end red slotted in upgrades should just lower the cost of the upgrade, and ones slotted in pets should reduce the cost to summon pets and their powers.




Originally Posted by Chocolate_Bacon View Post
I was nosing around power descriptions in game on my Demon Summoner when I noticed that the end reduction I had slotted in the first pet upgrade was reducing the end cost of powers that it grants to henchmen as well as reducing the power's own end cost.

It's generally accepted that slotting end reduction in your pet summons reduces both the costs of the power itself and the powers the pets use. So are powers granted through upgrades getting end reductions through the summon and the upgrade powers both or is what I'm seeing just a display issue?
This sounds like a lovely exploi.... bug!

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HelinCarnate:OMG it is so terrible. I have the option to take 3 more powers but no additional slots. Boo F'ing hoo.