Katana/Invuln Why is it draining my end alot at level 28?




My level 28 can't get through a single mission without having to slip around 10 blue insps, I don't understand why my character is always tired. Here is the build I use,

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Should I slip in End reducers in?



I'm not at home to pop that gobbledygook into Mids, but it's generally a good idea to pop an End Reducer into most attacks. Especially if you're using Hasten.

Also, if you're running Sprint, Ninja Run, or a travel ability while fighting it can cause a significant drain.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



For sure add end reducers...At least 1 in each attacks.

considering if you use all your attacks at once thats around 36 end, plus theres around 0.20 (ish) end per sec from invul.

No wonder you have trouble with end



Okay thanks for the brief help, I am not running any toggles except for CJ and secondaries
I am also thinking of ditching my Katana for a Dark/Invuln instead
I wish that if you made up a name on your own account, you could use that name on different characters so the name is being used several times.
That way I can easily chose which one to be and if I chose katana I still have him, if I chose DM I will have him and not have to remake him with the correct name!
Wow that was off topic.



The primary end usage in any build is in the attacks, so if you can fit an end reducer in an attack it is generally the best choice. However, I would also suggest one or more of the following things:

1) Moving some slots around so your attacks are better slotted
2) Franken-slotting your attacks with cheap dual and triple set IO's so you can get more enhancement value out of the slots you are using.

The first one is probably the simplest if you don't want to mess around with inventions. At your level the extra slots in RPD, resist energies/elements and health are a bad use of a limited resource, so moving those slots to attacks so you can come as close as possible to the damage cap AND get some end reduction in them will help a lot.

Second, if you are willing to dip into inventions even slightly you can get so much more out of your powers. It may seem a little expensive initially to pick up even the cheaper set IO's from the market and craft them but it saves a lot in the long run since you can keep them until want to actually slot some good IO sets or even until you hit 50.

The third option is a big deal - dull pain is invuln's get out of jail free card. It fills all the holes in your defense, especially the hole to psionic damage partially do to the heal but mostly due to the huge boost in hit point that it gives you. Because your healing rate stays the same no matter how many HP you have, more HP = faster overall regen.

Here is a quick build with SO slotting - I kept the same powers except I swapped resist elements out for dull pain and moved your slots around so that you get more use out of them. You could replace either of the passives or combat jumping with dull pain but of the 3 powers resist elements is likely to be the easiest one to skip for now. I also included some future slotting as a suggestion:

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
In most cases I slotted a single accuracy, capped damage and slotted some end reduction, although in the case of flashing steel I went for a mix of end reduction and recharge at the expense of not quite capping damage. I slotted unyielding rather than RPD/resist energy because you get more out of it. Unyielding adds to all your exotic resistances (7.5% to fire/cold/energy/negative energy) and adds about half as much to smashing/lethal as well, so those 2 extra slots buy you nearly as much as the 6 extra slots you used to have in RPD, resist elements and resist energies. I also capped recharge on dull pain as you want it up as often as possible.

Now, if you are willing to try to slot some cheap IO's, here is what you can do:

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
I went with mostly focused smite IO's in the single target powers and Multi Strikes in the AE attacks, with a sprinkling of a few other set IO's that are not too expensive. Both smite and multi-strike are fairly cheap although in the case of multi-strike its only because the other options (eradication, obliteration or scirocco's dervish) are really expensive. You won't get any huge IO set bonuses from these but you WILL get great enhancement values. For example, in the first build gamblers cut had 33% accuracy, 94% damage and 33% end reduction (assuming even level SO's) where in the second build it has 43% acc, 95% damage, 39% end reduction and 39% recharge for the same 5 slots. Powers like the lotus drops come out even better: the first build has 33% accuracy, end reduction and recharge with 94% damage, the second build has 65% accuracy, 39% end reduction and 60% recharge with 95% damage. If you can handle going with some simple IO's like this you will find your end use a LOT better and your hard hitting attacks up a lot more often (which also improved end use).

However, if you can't afford it or are not in the mood to mess around with IO's, the first build will still save you a LOT on end use and you are not losing that much in the way of defenses over your previous build.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



You don't have any end redx in your attacks, that's the biggest drain on your endurance. You also have some powers overslotted at your current level - health and resist elements don't need 3 slots each at level 28...those are 4 slots that can go to attacks and hold end rdx or dmg/endx IO pieces. Your toggles like temp invuln could use one as well too.



This isn't the build im sticking with..... I have a build that im respecing to at lvl 47, I just don't want to have end problems for the next 19 levels