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Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
I think you misspoke. Obviously, with a programmer that sexy, you meant to say "come on." But it's okay, I'd be intimidated too if I were speaking to Adonis-made-flesh.
So what the TV thinks he's Jay now?



Originally Posted by The Television View Post
I am really, really glad you brought this up! It has been a major point of confusion for a lot of people. There is a right way and a wrong way to read the Television. The right way is as follows:

1) begin by assuming/imagining the following text at the beginning of every Television post: "The screen flicks on. It shows an image of the most attractive programmer you have ever seen in your entire life. This guy is a Greek God of cool. You must either be watching some kind of reality show for impossibly gorgeous people or a documentary on one of the world's most brilliant minds (of all time)."

You can assume that part because I'm speaking in my programmer voice, and I'm pretty sure that's how people would describe me if they saw me on Television.

2) read whatever I put in my post as though it were in quotes. That's what the intimidatingly beautiful programmer on screen is saying. Try to read a little extra wit and charm into it, because I'd add those if I weren't so busy.

3) Finally, finish up with: "The programmer now turns his heart-breaking-ly beautiful gaze directly at you. Please, viewers, do not forsake your friend the Television or berate it with criticism of its role playing. Do not discriminate against the beautiful. No, you should embrace beauty by watching Television and the I17 graphics upgrade in CoV."
Oh TV...all my fantas...sorry too much information



Is this thread still applicable? I'm attempting to prod the rednames into mowing down the stickies. Too many stickies!

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



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