base teleporter/frustrated!
You need to make the teleporter at one of the forges, check the wiki for which one, and then place it using the personal items. And the available beacons should be in teleporter base items section.
Read the guide in my signature. All of your questions will be answered. Note: the salvage requirements have changed.
"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21
Guide to Base Teleporters
ahh...thank you...
I needed a WORKTABLE!!!! simple...(sigh)..
Ok..I deleted one table...made a worktable...made the teleporter....and all is fine...
Thank you...
Remember that you'll need beacons for it too. CaptA's guide covers that too.
Remember that you'll need beacons for it too. CaptA's guide covers that too.
You can place double beacons if you want to "mix it up". We have the arcane beacons for our arcane porters hidden, and have placed the tech beacons to be visible... so it seems as if the tech beacons are matched with arcane 'porters, but they are really just for show.

Don�t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson |
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV

Ok...I have everything ready for my mini base...EXCEPT the stupid teleporter!!!
I ran into this before...i have no idea why they make this sooooo frustrating.... I cant seem to find any way to build the teleporter...yes i have the salvage...heck...i got it all..( Computer Virus 1 Polycarbon 1 Luck Charm, OR Circuit Board 1 Steel 1 Rune , OR Temporal Analyzer 1 Titanium Shard 1 Fortune )... Have the room built...the becons are in my inventory...and I see the raid teleporter!!... Looked in the Personal item tab also.....I have tried to build the teleporter at a workstation....but i see no option for a teleporter.. Why do they make something so simple and frustrating? Anyway..thanks in advance...and I hope this helps someone else in the future... |
get the largest secure spot. once you got taht upgraded you go one part of the problem sovled
then you need the largest transporetr room
please look up this link it will give you lots of informtion on this subject
power and control
someother big bugs to work out
start off with this
or this
this is the one that got me extream details
the planets and sound that is in hear is fantastic
eather one will give you 500 control thats great to start off with
if you want to go the extra mile
1500 control
try this
or this
now you get that in the largest one
its a pain to et the biggest control and power
got to do both of these to be able to get these options
750 pvp kills in a pvp zone. in sg mode turned on
arena dose not count
50,000,000 game points dishing out
the 1500 control must be unlocked. those two 750 kills and the 50,000,000 damae points in the sg group must be done
turbine generator is the you like to start off.
it wil give 5,000 enengry its barly enough enenrgy to run a basic base with only the transporter pads and get all the zones installed and to have the power to do some other basic functions
yuou vasn go with this one
that cost 1,000,000 prestage
or you can use this one
noiw if you like to get 25,000 power
get this or this
by the way the cost is grand 5,000,000 prestge
both the control and this next class generatior is not going to be a easy one
I get to this in a minute
butt fist thing is first show you the best class generators
tech first
then this option
not to get this plan unlocked this is must be done
your pvp kills 750 in your sg group in SG mode
now for the control
for the heavy class control
that 50,000,000 damge points will unlock it
sg must do 50,000,000 damge points
unlock suepr computer
yoiu got to to this first before doing aything else first
Void, the OP is making a small personal base, not a huge "gotta have it all" base. Points for going through the effort of posting all that info, but its overkill in the OP's case, heh.
Voidaccount is the same guy who asked the same exact question about how to get a supercomputer, in more than half a dozen posts across multiple threads.
He appears to not actually read the threads he posts in except for the first post. He even appears to apparently not read the replies to his own posts that were trying to help him.
V seems to have extremely poor reading comprehension or something. I dunno.
I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.
Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered
Ok...I have everything ready for my mini base...EXCEPT the stupid teleporter!!!
I ran into this before...i have no idea why they make this sooooo frustrating....
I cant seem to find any way to build the teleporter...yes i have the salvage...heck...i got it all..( Computer Virus 1 Polycarbon 1 Luck Charm, OR Circuit Board 1 Steel 1 Rune , OR Temporal Analyzer 1 Titanium Shard 1 Fortune )...
Have the room built...the becons are in my inventory...and I see the raid teleporter!!...
Looked in the Personal item tab also.....I have tried to build the teleporter at a workstation....but i see no option for a teleporter..
Why do they make something so simple and frustrating?
Anyway..thanks in advance...and I hope this helps someone else in the future...