Ethnic Characters - Tell Me About 'Em




Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
I think the Welsh would only get really angry if you called them English.

Conversely, differentiating between The Welsh and Scots but calling the English just "British" can annoy them (not me though).
Everyone gets annoyed at something. /em shrug

One woman on a dog newsgroup was campaigning to get people to stop calling Newfoundland dogs "Newfies" because some wise-***** use that as a derogatory slam against *people* from Newfoundland. Even other residents of Newfoundland had never heard of that, though, and declared her to be overly sensitive. Whatchagonnado?

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Bill Z Bubba: Hell

Louis Cypher: Hell

Marcus Mammon: Hell

Glazya: Hell

Chaos Wolf: country of origin unknown, race unknown

Gilded Guillotine: android made in America

David Merlinson: white American mutt

Dr. Hoffenfeferer: England born caucasian

Singularity's Edge: American born asian

Warp Core: redheaded hotty, probably American born

Bellum Venifica: probably Italian

Gaea's Revenge: African (not south)

Sara Starsmasher: caucasian American

Gregor Gunsmith: unknown origin

Operative Laura: American born Welsh blooded

Melcor: Alien

Grey Dwarf: unknown origin

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Yeah, I think most people just make versions of themselves when playing a game that lets them make human avatars.
I would agree with that, judging by the large majority of posts I've seen on the subject, in this game and others. Obviously they tend to idealize these literal avatars, usually there's no choice but to, heh.

I usually make female characters when I have a choice. Girls look better, that's all there is to it, but I promise it's not JUST ye olde T&A.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
Heh. While this thread is probably the wrong place for it, it could be argued that it's part of society and that people are simply reflecting that. They mean no harm and are simply going by the general world view of what is "the norm".
Well to a white person, making a white avatar may very well be "the norm." Judging from some of the responses here, to a black person making a black avatar is "the norm," and they don't think much of it. It isn't "the norm" to the world, it's what's normal to YOU.

Since the OP asked about characters to whom their ethnicity is important, I would argue that a black character who is "just some guy from Paragon City" wouldn't count anyway. I could alter the skin color of half my characters and it wouldn't change the character at all, any more than changing their hair color would. They default to white chicks only because, well, I'm a white chick.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Well while I have a lot of characters with the Family name LaViuda with hints of a European old money background I really don;t play that up, the 2 characters that I have done the most "ethnic" references with are my Fire/Fire Tank Esteban Del Rio who as part of his background used to be a mexican wrestler under the name Cobra Verde and the other one was a now Deleted from live Warshade named Red October's shadow which was a Soviet Nictus project, I wound up Deleting the character from the Live Servers, though he survives in one of my AE arcs as an AV.

On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3