crab/bane multiple builds?




Just wondering how people set up the different builds so as to have one crab and one bane. Do you just select the second build some time after lvl 24 and it lets you start over? Or, do you need to use a respec somehow?




Just go to an Arbiter and use the "Select or Rename Builds" option to go to and level up your second build. You can choose the Crab powers instead of the Bane powers and vice versa as you level the second build up.

I don't do the Bane/Crab thing because I like VEATs enough to run one of each (Bane, Crab, Fort, Widow), and making the Crab your second build on a Bane puts the thematically-incorrect legs on your back even when you're using your Bane build. The Bane armor is too awesome looking to do that to it. Also, I prefer having PvE/PvP builds instead of Crab/Bane.

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I leveled my Crab up to 30 and got tired of him, to be honest. On teams, he's great, and I can't complain at all, but solo, he just seemed to tick off a LOT of mobs, who then attacked en masse. I created a second build (Bane) at 30 (one of the options the Trainer gives you, along with Choose a Title, Ask a Question, etc.). I love my Bane, and have taken him up to 46 pretty quickly. He's a lot of fun to play solo, and I can always switch out to my Crab build when I team.

Two cons to this: You need to buy all new enhancements for your second build, which can start to get expensie. And, as noted above, you're stuck with the Crab backpack no matter which build you're playing.

I recommend trying the 2nd build option, though, as you can start the alternate style right away and see which you like better.

The only other time I use the second build method is on one of my Tankers. I have a Team build (with Taunt, plus skipping an attack power and taking Icycles instead) and a solo build (more individual attacks). It works well.

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Originally Posted by GGG247 View Post
I leveled my Crab up to 30 and got tired of him, to be honest. On teams, he's great, and I can't complain at all, but solo, he just seemed to tick off a LOT of mobs, who then attacked en masse. I created a second build (Bane) at 30 (one of the options the Trainer gives you, along with Choose a Title, Ask a Question, etc.). I love my Bane, and have taken him up to 46 pretty quickly. He's a lot of fun to play solo, and I can always switch out to my Crab build when I team.

Two cons to this: You need to buy all new enhancements for your second build, which can start to get expensie. And, as noted above, you're stuck with the Crab backpack no matter which build you're playing.

I recommend trying the 2nd build option, though, as you can start the alternate style right away and see which you like better.

The only other time I use the second build method is on one of my Tankers. I have a Team build (with Taunt, plus skipping an attack power and taking Icycles instead) and a solo build (more individual attacks). It works well.
The trick about a crab spider is... sure they tick a lot of things off. They also have the dam resist to survive it. Usually.

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