Flash Freeze vs Alpha Strike




A very simple question, for those who have experience using Flash Freeze from Ice Control: if used as an opening attack on an unaware group, does the sleep kick in fast enough to prevent enemies from launching an initial volley? I am hoping to use Flash Freeze on an Ice/Earth Dom as a means to set up Ice Patch and get in melee range for Arctic Air and Tremor without being excessively chewed on.

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It has mixed results. If it misses one of them they are all alerted and can attack before the sleep affects them. If it hits them all then they seldom attack.

I've found if you jump back (ie cj+hurdle) as you cast it that can help a bit too. If you have hurdle slotted up a bit you won't lose much time jumping back toward them right after to drop slick as you sail into the pack and let arc air work its magic.

Not the best, but not the worst.



Thanks for the info. I'll just have to try it out for myself and see how it goes.

The obvious follow up question is whether there's a more reliable alpha strike mitigator available to Ice/Earth. I suppose the ideal is to drop an ice patch from around a corner, but sometimes there's just no corner available...

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In my experience, flash freeze is extremely unreliable at preventing an alpha. I tried it out for a couple levels on my ice/ice dom, and even after getting some slotting I still took alphas and partial alphas quite often trying to use it. It seemed very random, overall - sometimes it would stop an alpha, sometimes it wouldn't. I eventually respec'd out of it since I couldn't count on it working when I needed it.

I haven't found ice control to really have a reliable alpha mitigator, which is easily its biggest weakness. Beyond ice slick from out of sight or casting jack in the spawn, there's just not much I've found to try.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

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I usually just cast ice slick from behind an object since it is a TAoE.

In places where there are no objects to use a couple range IOs will make a difference. If you cast Ice Slick from outside perception range you can eliminate a good chunk of the alpha since the mobs won't activate powers until notification instead of as soon as stealth breaks/perception kicks in.

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