Let's Get Functional Redux




You can get by Redside a lot easier without a base, but the functionality of a Blue Side base is much greater. Even with Oro and Pocket D, there are so many more places you often have to go as a hero... especially at lower levels before Oro is even an option.

And as was stated, going to the hospital or base. I know that in all of my bases we keep an Inspiration storage and an Auto Doc in the medical room for those times when you can't easily or quickly grab more Insps.

Now, while I have been lax in doing so lately, I usually decorate the heck out of my bases, but I also make sure they are functional first and I make sure the function is "up front" for those folks that don't want the fluff or for those times when on a TF or whatever and time is of the essense.

But yeah, a lot of people still join SG/VGs for function.

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



I understand that Bases are more important Blue side. You have all those troublesome Story Arcs that send you back and forth continually. That's why I've never leveled a Hero above 16.

To you Base Functionallity might be fine, and creating a seperate system of Appartments might seem a grand Idea.

It would be another blow to the SG's Villain side though.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Originally Posted by Black_Strike View Post
I17 WW/BM Interface has a Storage Tab. It will hold Recipes, Enhancements, and Inspirations. It is also just a few days from being live. You did notice that I referenced that?

There are no Base Services that will actually draw Members to use the Base. Other than Storage at this time. Soon as I17 Hits, they Get the Storage Tab at the WW/BM.

I really didn't mess with the new WW/BM Interface much in Closed Beta, as I was testing Demons. I'll log back onto Test, and check the Storage Tab. I may be overstating it's potential usage.

I'll get back to ya.

I'd like to clarify something here. The storage tab at ww/bm is nothing more then convenience/eyecandy. You are not actually gaining any more "storage" room then you had before. It is merely a very nice visual "Sorting Option".

If you had 20 items you could have in ww/bm before this patch you will still have 20 items you can have in your market slots after todays patch. This tab just lets you see what ones you have that you have not put up for sale, thus they are "stored".

Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Yes, and I think the OP is saying that for development purposes, maybe we should try to focus on things that that bases don't do (yet), and thinking of ways that they could be accomplished.

If we are constantly focusing on "moar decor plz!", that's what we'll end up getting, instead of things that would actually improve the functionality of bases for all members, not just the editors.

Fire-Away is simply asking if we can actually make a separate list for functionality. It can be done, it just takes a little focus.

Djeannie, you had some really good suggestions, but you just couldn't help yourself, and still ended up adding in things that are more decor oriented. As you say, it's a natural inclination, given the function of the editor.... but...

As Black has pointed out, functionality development doesn't have to be limited to the editor. Using SG badges to acquire special SG items is a tried & true mechanism for getting all SG members involved in SG activities.

I know there have been mutterings of bringing back the CoP Trial for raids, but I would also like to see non-raid related TF's for SG's. Perhaps a TF could allow the SG to;
  • place a store NPC
  • expand their storage (my own pet peeve)
  • get a discount for plot upgrade
  • get a prestige grant
  • any number of the other lovely suggestions that have been mentioned.
Wanted to address this earlier but got sidetracked a few days ago

To me npc's that move around the base and are able to be interacted with is functionality. I dislike seeing the base so sterile and empty with no life to it at all. Even better when we can drop in NPCs that do ingame functions that other NPCs already do.

Storage: I seriously and I mean SERIOUSLY doubt we will be getting any more storage options at all or an increase in storage capacity. Back in beta for the inventions system (i9 iirc), you used to be able to store all salvage in the storage racks when there was also base salvage. You were able to store 2500 pieces per rack even though the racks said 999 and never had the number updated (I asked pohysb about this).

It was pointed out to the developers that there would be no reason to use the market at all for salvage unless you were trying to make money as people would just store the rare salvage drops they got for sg members and themselves, which people do now with the limited 30 item racks. So the devs removed storing in base racks at all. They only added that back in when they decided to remove base salvage from the drop tables.

During that time, as a piece of trivia, they cut our personal carrying capacity in half and moved it into "the vault". I've always disliked this move and find it's nothing more then a time waster forcing me to go run to a vault to see what's on hand in there every time I wish to craft. I loathe needless time wasters added to systems that are supposed to be "fun". Reminds me of when I worked at a game company doing cabinet games (arcade) and how they would gauge playtime by quarters per x minutes spent.

Now that there is a popup for "omg ur deletin' salvage in a rezipee youze owns!" I'd like to see the vaults done away with but that wont happen because...DAY JOBS!

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by CaptA View Post
Nothing wrong with any of your points, really. Base building is no different than any other niche in this game, and the outspoken/skilled tend to dominate the conversation.

Personally, I would love way more functionality for bases. I also want more decorative tools.
Would be nice. But there's a bizarre "make a ship in a bottle" aspect to designing awesome things. Still, direct placement in 3-space without needing to use stacking would be nice.

So, too, an undo-type operation, especially given how easy it is to perma-goof a placement so you have to delete and re-start the placement.

The "apartment" option would also allow players to have their own decorative spaces without exposing supergroups to the danger of giving edit priviledges to those that could abuse it.
THANK YOU!!! I have a vanity SG with just me that I have done 100+ hours of work on to make really fancy things (and not a damned one uses stacked desks, lol) I am totally terrified of losing control of the SG and all this get trashed, so I don't let anyone else in except temporarily to have them invite my alts. You'd be surprised what some buffoon would think they need to change, or need to delete so they can make their own "cool" rectangular desk-room.

Part of that could be rectified if I could just promote my alts without them being online, which is currently impossible.

"Hey! You knocked generic cola all over your precious D20 books!"

ED: Now I know how Nancy Kerrigan felt: "Why...?!? Why...?!?"