What's the oldest?




Idle question - what are the oldest, not dev or player choice, finished arcs out there that are still playable? And have they been updated at all recently?

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



Going by arc numbers, you could go and search for "1" and see if it's still up and playable, then "2", etc. At least I guess so; I've never looked for an arc based on just its ID number.



I' tried that for a while. Pretty sure the arcs started at 1000 but my memory may be hazy. Gave up after a while. Maybe searching by date published would help you out.

Enjoy your day please.



Yeah, they start at 1000. A good chunk of the next section are all dev choice and player choice - pretty sure they were ported over from when it was on test.

To search with those parameters from the OP, just select everything from no stars to 5 stars, let it search and sort by date. Now, which are playable vs broken, you'd have to look through.

With the results left, 1023 is Positron, 1026 is Pohsyb. 1032 is @BigMoneyHustla "Delusional Illusions." And I'd call it at least initially playable, since you can enter the mission. Whether it's "updated" or not, I don't know - reads as final, as opposed to 'work in progress." (So I'm just past the first 100 it seems - 1107's the first one I published. 1107, 1120, and 1134. >.> I should do some tweaking. Probably need a bit of cleaning up.)