A new #1
We are now the #1 ranked sg on Justice
Kohei-Vigilance Committee Founder
"Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once." - Caesar by Shakespeare
AE ARCS: search for Kohei, Vigilance Committee, or...
#365403: Arch-Nemesis Inc.
#130465: The Dark Side of Time
#328975: Power Broker
#159392: Animal Uprising
#70770: Attack of the Bee People
#331282: Universal Evil
Who's #2?
Thank you PumBumbler, Omega Sector is now ranked #2. You can see the ranking at City Hall in Atlas park by clicking on the registrar behind the desk about ten feet behind the City Rep who gives the cape and aura missions.
Kohei-Vigilance Committee Founder
"Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once." - Caesar by Shakespeare
AE ARCS: search for Kohei, Vigilance Committee, or...
#365403: Arch-Nemesis Inc.
#130465: The Dark Side of Time
#328975: Power Broker
#159392: Animal Uprising
#70770: Attack of the Bee People
#331282: Universal Evil
As co-founder of the #1 ranked VG on Justice, I shake my fist at you and mutter something like "Dratz" under my breath.
-Justice server-50's
RedSide Corrupter-6::Brute-3::Veat-3:: MM-1:: Dom-1
Blueside Tank-1:: Blaster-1::Scrapper-1
That sounds like too much work, since I have to leave work to do that
Thank you PumBumbler, Omega Sector is now ranked #2. You can see the ranking at City Hall in Atlas park by clicking on the registrar behind the desk about ten feet behind the City Rep who gives the cape and aura missions.

Salutes the Chrome Family for it's outstanding contribution to the Justice server-"Thank you."
Nods knowingly at the powerful and dastardly Doom Legion.
Kohei-Vigilance Committee Founder
"Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once." - Caesar by Shakespeare
AE ARCS: search for Kohei, Vigilance Committee, or...
#365403: Arch-Nemesis Inc.
#130465: The Dark Side of Time
#328975: Power Broker
#159392: Animal Uprising
#70770: Attack of the Bee People
#331282: Universal Evil
Guess I better get working harder.
Congrats. :/
A little over four years ago the Vigilance Committee was formed. I formed it with an in game buddy, Cole Preston, at the suggestion of a couple of other players in the game who were in another super group. My goal for this group was to emulate the great hero teams of The Avengers and the J.L.A. While the members of these teams were great solo characters they became something bigger than themselves when they banded together. My goal with the Vigilance Committee was to emulate that in game. To create an environment that encouraged unity and focus by offering promotions based on participation and daily teaming events.
With the aid of a fantastic player base including Fearse, The Judge, Night Juice, Meow Master(gratz again on the new baby M.M.) and many other awesome people who still play the game we were able to lay the foundation for a great group. Because we are a friendly and inclusive group our numbers grew fairly quickly and we started our rise up the s.g. server ranks quickly. Over the years weve seen players come and go. I want to take this opportunity to thank the folks who have stuck with us through the drama, losses (we still miss you Bluesman R.I.P. 2/09), and joys that have made this group what it is in both past and present.
Our charter went unwritten but always clearly understood by all for the first two years as a group. We dont power level and we are first and foremost family friendly. We all enjoyed playing the game too much to p.l. past the content. Though we discovered that many players suffer from alt-it is and many had toons that had never seen higher level game content. We rectified that by creating 50s Friday where folks with level 50 toons would mentor the poor alt-it is sufferers so that they could experience and be enticed by end game content.
As we entered the top ten rankings I put our charter to print (reprinted at the end of this post). We had heard from many that to get into the top ten you had to buy influence or farm or p.l. or snipe other sgs players. I can assure you now, none of those means were employed by the V.C. as a group ever. Anyone who has ever been a member of the V.C. will tell you its not our way. We play a hero game and in that world we work to emulate that morality. I am both pleased and proud to say that we got to be number one the old fashioned way-by taking down Tyrant.
Weve had some great coalition members-including but not limited to Paragons Elite, C.O.R.E., Warriors of Oz, and Paragon City Protectors who have all aided the V.C. in some way or another.
Our current players Elee, Bully the Clown, Hals, Mr Dinsmore and his lovely wife Connie, Chance, The Mighty Eightball, Gator, Gardenya, Helio Trope, Fearse, Los, Crash, Leaf, Rockstar, Bliss, Erich, Zandi, Cole, Liloo make this great game way more fun than the Devs intended and I thank them for their blood, sweat, tears, laughter, patience, and loyalty.
And to the Chairmen/officers who make things happen and keep me keeping on I call them Funi, B.K., and Meow Master, I further thank you for your willingness to lead and make sure the fun stays number one in the group.
The Vigilance Committee Charter:
What the Vigilance Committee brings its members:
Influence for enhancements on the 2's & 7's all the way to level 50
as long as members stay in sg mode.
Funds for IO's on lvls 22,32, and 42 as long as members stay in sg
We will provide Committee members with a full base including
teleports to all zones and full inspiration machines.
We will provide Committee members with weekly events and in-game
Our Chairman ranked players are here to help you whenever you need
We will provide you with a way to communicate outside the game world
so that you can keep up on game and sg events via a mailing list.
We will provide committee members with access to Ventrilo on a
dedicated server.
What we expect in return:
That you stay in sg mode at ALL times.
That you represent the group in a mature(this means language as well
as behavior) and positive manner,
displaying sportsmanship and tact even when not in a sg team.
Players who do not conform to those two simple things can expect to
be expelled from the group.
If you participate in sg sponsored events you must use a sg toon.
Observer-The introductory rank for the sg. You can team to your
hearts content and have base access to the teleporters and medical
bays. Watchers also have the ability to recruit for the V.C.
Watcher-The second rank in the sg is obtained by joining the mailing
list. This is the first step to obtaining full base access.
Vigilant-To obtain this rank and full base access you must obtain
the sg uniform This rank allows you full base access.
Board Member-This is a prestige rank. Upon obtaining this rank you
have earned the right to have your character featured on the
website. You gain it by staying with the sg for no fewer than four
months of regular play. You stay in sg mode and are generally
helpful to your sg mates.
You possess a positive attitude and work for the overall well being
of the group.
Chairman-This is an elite position. This rank can only be achieved
when there is an opening in the limited number of positions.
Chairmen go out of their way to help all members of the sg and are
responsible for doling out influence,
Enforcing sg rules, recruiting, Base Maintenance, creating and
hosting sg events, and maintaining morale within the group.
To achieve this rank players must repeatedly put the needs of the
group ahead of themselves and play daily (or near daily).
To those who have made it to the end of this post and all those on Justice the Vigilance Committee thinks you are awesome and we will continue to enjoy teaming and lolling with you in game. Thanks for your patience and perseverance in making it this far.
Kohei-Vigilance Committee Founder
"Cowards die many times before their deaths. The valiant never taste of death but once." - Caesar by Shakespeare
AE ARCS: search for Kohei, Vigilance Committee, or...
#365403: Arch-Nemesis Inc.
#130465: The Dark Side of Time
#328975: Power Broker
#159392: Animal Uprising
#70770: Attack of the Bee People
#331282: Universal Evil