Next project?




Hey all,
My DP/NRG blaster is getting close to 40 so I'm starting to think what I wanna do next. I'm liking the blasting sets and wouldn't mind doing another but I'm pretty unexperienced with em. I was thinking of maybe Arch/ice blaster, how do these go?

What's your favorite blaster or corruptor powerset combos?



Originally Posted by Ice_Storm View Post
Hey all,
My DP/NRG blaster is getting close to 40 so I'm starting to think what I wanna do next. I'm liking the blasting sets and wouldn't mind doing another but I'm pretty unexperienced with em. I was thinking of maybe Arch/ice blaster, how do these go?

What's your favorite blaster or corruptor powerset combos?
My Ice/MM is nice. /MM adds some AoE to mostly single target Ice, and Drain Psyche + a hold means she's always topped up.

Fire/Dark is a classic, and very strong. Fire/Storm is also fun; more dramatic and if anything more destructive, if somewhat less survivable.

Ice/Storm is a thematic and powerful combo as well.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



I'm starting a fire/mm, but I'll probably park her at 20ish for a while and get my 30ish fire/ice out.

I'm not amazed by the /ice. Just waiting on Shiver at this point.



Archery goes very well with Energy. It has a full 80 foot range on its tier three attack (unlike Blaze, Power Burst, etc...) so when combined with Boost Range you can attack from 100+ feet away. /Ice has good mitigation but you need to get fairly close to use it, while Archery works very well from long range. My Archery / Energy hover Blaster uses perma-Boost Range and rarely gets closer than 70-80 feet since even Fistful of Arrows has that much range... add in some ranged defense and you really don't need Ice Patch or Shiver.

If you like weapon sets, you might prefer AR / Ice. AR has multiple short range attacks (Buckshot, Flamethrower, Ignite) so I would think it would work well with Shiver and Ice Patch. Archery / Ice probably wouldn't be bad, it just doesn't have a lot of synergy.

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



Every time I've tried Archery, except my Trick Arrow defender, I've deleted it because of redraw. I think Archery has synergy with any secondary you'll never use.

I like the perma-boost range. That sounds cool.

I have to give a thumbs down to Archery unless you want style, because Archery has that in bucketfuls.



Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
I have to give a thumbs down to Archery unless you want style, because Archery has that in bucketfuls.
It has more than just style... get some decent global recharge and perma-Boost Range and you can start off with Rain of Arrows every spawn, which pretty much wipes out the minions (especially if you alternate Aim and Build Up). You can then follow that up with a 70+ foot range cone attack (or if you want to slot a couple of Dam/Range HO, a 95 foot cone ) and then Explosive arrow... that's enough AoE to wipe out most of a spawn (possibly even Lts) without ever getting within standard 80 foot range of them. Trust me, it's a lot of fun...

(Oh, and for the ultimate in silly but fun builds, try slotting all the Archery attacks with three Dam/Range HOs. With Boost Range that gives you 172 foot range normal shots, which is over 20 feet beyond normal snipe range, and a 323 foot snipe! You'll probably have to get someone to target for you since you'll be shooting things beyond draw distance... )

Cascade, level 50 Blaster (NRG/NRG since before it was cool)
Mechmeister, level 50 Bots / Traps MM
FAR too many non-50 alts to name

The Scavenger Hunt: 187076
The Instant Lair Delivery Service: 206636



Originally Posted by StrykerX View Post
With Boost Range that gives you 172 foot range normal shots, which is over 20 feet beyond normal snipe range, and a 323 foot snipe! You'll probably have to get someone to target for you since you'll be shooting things beyond draw distance... )
Rectified Reticle +Perception might help on the 323 foot snipe. Don't know how to see it in Mids once it's slotted.

Edited to Add:
You got me. I'm rolling an arch/energy when I get home.