Hit a snag I do not understand
Believe it or not, this kind of thing happens all the time. To prevent it, you need to have a clear wall space available with nothing touching it. I noticed on the area where you are trying to attach it there is a light on the wall. Your going to want to move that off. That should fix your problem.
What do I have to do to get a waffle around here?
Liberty Red 50s
Queen of the Drow Ghost of Pain (dual sword/ninja stalker)
Ghost of Desire (bots/ff mastermind)
Ghost of Nightmares (ice control/fiery assault dominator)
Ghost of Mayhem (em/willpower brute)
Virtue Blue 50s
Ghost of Light (elec/elec blaster)
It looks like you have a few things near the wall in the room to the bottom left near where the doorway of the room you want to place is. Remove those objects and you should be fine.
What they said. And yeah we get this all the time even I asked it at one time. Just move the things off the wall were you are going to put your new room and I do meen the entire wall and nothing on the floor near said wall then you can place your new room. The base editor picks where it wants to put the door but you can move it afterwards but again you must have a clear wall space to move your door.

Highlighted the problem spots mentioned:
Doors won't form if there's objects on or too close to the wall where the editor wants to put the door. If the editor can't form ANY doors, it won't let you place the room.
I would start by removing whatever's on the wall in the right side. As long as the editor can create one doorway, the room will be allowed to be placed. That way you don't have to mess with the stuff you placed at the area on the bottom of the screenshot. You can then manually place the second doorway to the far left where it looks clear.
I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.
Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered
Thanks for the Help, really appreciate it. Yes, I was looking to add it to the room to the right, it seems that in my half sleep dellerium I did not notice the water fountin in the way. Thanks for pointing it out, really a facepalm moment for me
You wouldn't believe the lengths I've gone to as far as rearranging rooms to make a clear place for a doorway, only to finally realize that what was blocking me was that tiny little air vent I had placed to get rid of ceiling trim (and promptly forgot about).
Check... and Mate (poster) - Arc ID# 15095 (comments)
Invasion on Earth BX1132! (poster 1) - (poster 2) - Arc ID# 98943 (comments)
Global @ARH
I just expanding my base plot for the first time, and I am looking to add a new room. There is space for the room including the door, but it wont let me place it. You will have to excuse me if this is a noob question, I am very new to base building as prior to this I had someone else construct that which is our base. Any help would be greatly appreciated. For clarification of the situation, I have taken a screen shot which I uploaded

Thanks for any help you can provide