Issues swapping between two accounts on the same computer




I really hope you guys can help with this annoying issue I seem to be having with COH right at this moment.
I recently upgraded my computer and I originally had windows XP installed, but I just installed Windows 7 a few months back and this is when this issue started. My graphics card is an Nvidia Geforce 9 GT and I have all the latest drivers for windows and the graphics card (196.21). Running 4 meg of memory. (2.76 as only on a 32 bit OS).

When I run to accounts on the same computer (this one) I seem to have two issues that could somehow be related to Windows 7 or/and the Nvidia driver.

1. When switching back and forth from each account the screen will freeze, yet everything will carry on as per normal. I have to press the ‘Start’ key on the keyboard and re-click anywhere on the screen and I return to COH normally.

2. The second issue is sometimes when switching back and forth between two accounts, I can switch to the secondary one, but when I click on the screen it takes me back to the first one and I need to log out of them both and start again in order to get the two accounts to work correctly.

Has anyone else encountered this or am I the only one?

Sorry if this isn’t clear enough



I've had both those issues on vista 32bit.

Both problems are driver based, as updating/changing the drivers to older/newer ones will alternately fix the problems but i'm always left with one. Mostly the screen freeze after i've tabbed out.

It seems so far, it's just one of those little things we have to put up with. It's not a generic problem for all but i know a fair few people with the same issues but with different OS's etc so i don't expect a fix.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



I'm not sure if this matters, but are you running in Windowed mode or full screen type mode?

I run dual accounts on a Vista64 box with a GeForce 9800.

Running them Windowed works fine for me.

As a side note, if you do run Windowed, you might want to consider this command:

/maxinactivefps 5

By keeping the frame rate lowered to a snails pace on the inactive window, it should increase performance a little.

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
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Aye.. It's windows 7 and the drivers.. WIndowed mode should resolve this delay. (which is annoying) Menuo, options, Graphics Audio, Resolution setting

I"m only guessing at your second problem here, but try using ALT TAB to select the correct version of CIty you want instead of just clicking on the taskbar area.

Don't be a mindless farm toon, we may need you on a non-soft SF someday. =)



Originally Posted by Addicted View Post
Aye.. It's windows 7 and the drivers.. WIndowed mode should resolve this delay. (which is annoying) Menuo, options, Graphics Audio, Resolution setting

I"m only guessing at your second problem here, but try using ALT TAB to select the correct version of CIty you want instead of just clicking on the taskbar area.
Thanks everyone for your help. I guessed that this was a Windows 7 and drivers problem. So far I have tried quite a few Nvidia driver versions, and so far nothing has worked for me.

I even tried Alt Tab and that doesn't work for me either.

One thing I did find out was this, If I open a browser (I use firefox) when I can't swap between screens and drag it around the taskbar and I can sometimes resolve the issue. Sometimes just rebooting will help as well.

I well try the CMD to lower the frame rate while inactive. Thanks for this tip.

So looks like it will be windowed from now on then. Even though I prefer fullscreen.

Thanks for your help peeps



Just a slight add to the max fps command...

If the second account is just stood at the door while you're farming try /stopinactivedisplay 1

It keeps the account logged in but stops the game from consuming any real resources. If you have the second account on follow though, the max fps will be better.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle