Want to learn




Hey all, I would like to try out PVPing beyond just hunting for people in a PVP zone, which I have not had too much success at.

I am an admitted noob even though I have a fair amount of PVE experience.

Anyone want to hold my had a bit? I have Villains on Freedom and Heroes on virtue. I have 1 50 on each server and a range of other alts. I would be happy to show up for pickup events with enough notification as long as the timing works out (after 9 EST sometimes later)

Send me a PM
global @porcinepine

Torque "There are people in this world who do not love their fellow man and I HATE people like that!" -- Tom Leher
Dr. Awe 50++ Sonic/Dark Corr
Intra Venus 50 Mind/Psi Dom
Storm Claud lvl 50+ Elec/Dark Brute



add arena chat to one of your chat tabs on freedom.
don't get emo when someone verbally tears you a new *******.



Originally Posted by thetorquenator View Post
Anyone want to hold my had a bit?
Your best bet is to add Arena to your chat bar, like barrier said. The last thing you want to do is expect someone to help you...most everyone learned the same way, getting their *** kicked enough times to learn how to do it right.

With that said, I wish you luck. Usually if someone asks an intelligent question it'll get answered, so don't be afraid.



My suggestions to anyone who asks me for help as a "newb" in PvP is:

1) First and most important: Pick a role that you want to play; it can be disruption, healer, buffer, damage, etc..

2) Practice this role in zones. The arena is completely unforgiving, one bad night can get you fat kidded for quite a while as a new player. Practice makes perfect just like anything in life.

3) Get to know people in the community. Contrary to popular belief not all pvp'rs are ********.

4) Do your research. Read up on these forums, learn what builds are good and bad. Don't try and reinvent the wheel. There is a reason why builds are FOTM.

5) Have a thick skin. You will be called all sorts of names, be told you are bad, etc.. Just ignore negativity.

Here is probably the second most important piece of advice I can give:

Learn from your mistakes. Don't fret the loses, but make sure you know why you lost! Revise your strategy and go at it again.

Good Luck, Have Fun..




@Klesk <---- I have a corruptor that would love to meet you.