Critical Player Mass




For those who weren't online last night, or perhaps were and didn't notice, an interesting thing happened. I put out a call to form a Strike Force - "Renault Strike Force forming Justice villains 25+ welcome, Leader to be decided" I couldn't lead it because I was busy RPing, but within about 10 minutes the Strike Force was full, and several people had volunteered to lead.

I'm concluding that we're reaching a critical mass of players on Justice and in the global channel. So, all of you people with latent leadership aspirations, now is the time to let loose and organize things!



It was quite a humourous experiment.

"Who wants to do an Operative Renault SF?"


"I'm in!"

"Save me a spot"


"Well you guys sort it out, I'm too busy"

<stunned silence>

So I pulled my finger out and headed to Sharkshead and got it going. A full team as well. Even then, we had a couple of other people ready to lead it.

It's an experiment I'll probably be trying again tonight with an Ice Mistral SF.



That really is deliciously evil, tricking people into doing things that they secretly want to do.

Last night there was actually an ad hoc ITF started after 10pm, which I don't think has ever happened before when I've been on. Haven't done Ice Mistral for quite a while, so I'd love to give that a shot tonight if you're around, Min. Maybe I can finally find the entrance to that crystal cave at the end...

Have I mentioned that I love free server transfers (and the people that decided to give them to us)?



Originally Posted by Redoubtable View Post
That really is deliciously evil, tricking people into doing things that they secretly want to do.

Last night there was actually an ad hoc ITF started after 10pm, which I don't think has ever happened before when I've been on. Haven't done Ice Mistral for quite a while, so I'd love to give that a shot tonight if you're around, Min. Maybe I can finally find the entrance to that crystal cave at the end...

Have I mentioned that I love free server transfers (and the people that decided to give them to us)?
Where have you been ? I've run this twice recently with my brute and some of the usual suspects

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



And we already have another SF forming tonight! Looks like it is becoming a lot more active lately



Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
Where have you been ? I've run this twice recently with my brute and some of the usual suspects
I guess my playtimes have been a little wacky for the last little while, but they're starting to stabilise now. Speed ITFs seem to be the default activity for our US cousins nowadays, so I wouldn't be surprised if they're achieving a similar popularity in our timezones, especially if we can consistently get times of 35 to 45 minutes.



I really don't like the fashion of speed-running, probably because we usually have someone new to the SF on the team, and the speed-runners ruin the SF experience. Probably why I've been avoiding the ITF lately. I also don't understand skipping all the purple-dropping mobs.



I feel the same way as Lili about the ITF. I prefer to take time on it, as a lot of the time I do team with people who haven't completed it before, or haven't run it many times.
Nothing worse than having people try to rush through, with someone who has no idea what is going on and possibly being turned off doing the SF/TF ever again.



I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing - I'm not advocating speedruns with newbies, but there are a growing number of people that are interested in doing ITFs primarily to earn merits. ITFs are fairly quick and usually well-liked, so it's a good one to run with a group of vets on an ad hoc basis.

If anyone on a team I'm leading hasn't done an SF/TF before then I'm medium speed all the way unless we've got limited time in which to finish (though the same can't always be said of the vets on the team).



Originally Posted by Liliaceae View Post
I really don't like the fashion of speed-running, probably because we usually have someone new to the SF on the team, and the speed-runners ruin the SF experience. Probably why I've been avoiding the ITF lately. I also don't understand skipping all the purple-dropping mobs.
I see no problem with speed-running as long as it's up front that that's what is happening.

If you want purples, then the chances of getting them dropped on you in an ITF, LRSF or LGTF with eight people along for the ride is small compared to just running a farm map set for 6-8 solo.

The attraction of an speed run high-level SF is (a) the merits and (b) trying to get the best time.



Yeah, I don't object to speed runs per se. It's the culture of speed runs that means I am no longer comfortable picking up SF members from some global channels because they try and speed run when that's not what we're going for.



Yeah, that's certainly a risk. Fortunately, the "speedrun or GTFO" mentality doesn't seem to exist so much in the Australia channel. I've noticed that primetime TFs usually advertise an intended speed nowadays when they're looking for members, presumably in an attempt to avoid this issue.



I really dislike speed running the ITF, but am hapy speed running almost everything else.

Why ? Well playing a squishy on a speed run ITF I find absolutely no fun (particularly the cysts mish).

Speed running a posi however is almost essential.

I do find it a real adrenalin rush to run a 50 minute manticore for example, but for some reason don't get it from the ITF.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Minotaur View Post
Well playing a squishy on a speed run ITF I find absolutely no fun (particularly the cysts mish).
Have you taken a plants/ on that mission? Seeds of Confusion +Cyst + lots and lots of spawned nictus = non-stop hilarity. That and almost too much friendly fire to render properly.

I actually giggle evilly in real life every time I get to do this. And I don't care what happens on the rest of the TF. After two of those, I'm grinning through multiple team wipes and just happy to exist.

I've never actually been on a speed ITF (thus far the fastest ITF I've been on was 1 hour 14), but I suspect the warm fuzzy feeling would easily last for 20 minutes if it usually keeps me going for an hour. =)

"Hmm, I guess I'm not as omniscient as I thought" -Gavin Runeblade.
I can be found, outside of paragon city here.
Thank you everyone at Paragon and on Virtue. When the lights go out in November, you'll find me on Razor Bunny.



Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
Have you taken a plants/ on that mission? Seeds of Confusion +Cyst + lots and lots of spawned nictus = non-stop hilarity. That and almost too much friendly fire to render properly.

I actually giggle evilly in real life every time I get to do this. And I don't care what happens on the rest of the TF. After two of those, I'm grinning through multiple team wipes and just happy to exist.

I've never actually been on a speed ITF (thus far the fastest ITF I've been on was 1 hour 14), but I suspect the warm fuzzy feeling would easily last for 20 minutes if it usually keeps me going for an hour. =)
No, but I have seen the healing nictus healing the players after 3 confusers nailed rommi.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba