Can't Decide on Primary
I actually have a Rad/MM, it is ridiculous. I mean it in the best way possible. Love is irradiate and psychic shock wave then nuking while realizing you have a fully saturated drain psyche so you won't be at a total end crash.
Oh also rad you can put an achilles proc in it which will give you -def and -res, not reliable -res but it's there.
I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

Consider trying both up until level 8 or thereabouts. You'll figure out if the sound effects and rooting for sonic blast are for you, or not. For some people they're a set-breaker, so its worth checking out.
Rad will definitely give you better AOE, but the -res in sonic is very pleasant when teaming.
I've got both to 50, and can say they play very, very differently.
Rad/MM is pretty simple, in the end you will be doing mostly one thing, and you will be amazing for it. Irradiate -> DrainPsyche -> PsyShockWave -> Nuke if necessary, neutron if not. then clean up stragglers and repeat shortly. It's like the AoE DPS build (but not DPA) and irradiate can really help a team stop missing (including ensuring you get your fully saturated DP). Follow with CB to detoggle lt's or finish off stragglers. But that's mostly what you will do in the end game.
Sonic/MM is the utility belt of the blaster world, so much so that you almost feel on par with defender sets sometimes thanks to such a wide variety of buff/debuff. At the same time for jack of all trades sets, the master of none does apply and now and then you will find yourself yearning for your AoE Specialists (farming) or your Single target survival DPS monsters, or your true controllers/defenders.
Seriously, there is almost no effect you don't have access to and no enemy resistant to all your damage (S/E/P) (except -def which the rad gets in spades) You can do decent Single target and AoE Damage, you have area sleep/area knockback/fear/stun/confuse/-res/-reg/-rec/+rec/+reg/single target KB/Slows/+dam/+tohit/nuke(w/ability to negate crash) and that's before your pools.
You will never feel left out on a team (as if you aren't contributing) but you also will never feel like the best on a team that only needs specialists.
You don't put out great AoE, you put out reasonable AoE, you don't do amazing ST without a bit to work the res of your enemy down, but you'll still be outdamaged by your team because they get the same benefit. You can lay down -reg, but despite intensity it is short lived.
So Rad/MM = Great AoE/Easier to saturate DP for crashless nuke/cool looks/t3 blast is a stun.
Sonic/MM = Jack of All trades / Master of none (you will never carve out a niche, except being ready for all fights).
"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo
Sonic is very light on AoE (with only one cone that does any real damage) and has the best secondary effect of any blast set (-Res).
Rad has lots of AoE (though they are a cone, a TAoE and a PBAoE, so getting them to all work together takes some moving), stuns with its T3 blast and The secondary effect isn't all that useful but gives you the nifty ability to proc it out with Achiles Heel -Res procs. Note that if you are used to fender Rad blast, the T1 attack doesn't have crazy short recharge like the fender version.
Thanks all! Think I'll stick with Rad/MM For now, see how it goes and decide from there.
I've got a Kin/Sonic Defender and have played Sonic on a Blaster for a short while, but I've somehow never tried Rad .
Thanks again for all of the help!
Heya all! Had an idea for a new alt but I can't seem to pindown a primary.
(Should probably note that I solo quite a bit, but I'd enjoy being a team-player if need be.
I was going for a Light concept (grey / gold color customization) but I was stuck between Rad or Sonic Blast along with Mental.
Rad seems to give more of a "Light-Thrower" feel, but I'm not sure if Sonic/MM would be better, gameplay-wise, later down the line.
Fire/MM I've rolled up a few times, I already have an Energy Blaster, and Ice just feels like Ice no matter the color change.
Basically to sum it up: Rad or Sonic/MM? Some pros of each? Cons? Opinions? Thanks in advance!