acrobatics question
If you're asking this question, you probably are a squishy (blaster, troller or defender) and you're looking for some way to avoid being held so much. My advice is: slot IO sets with Defense bonuses. They can't hold you if they can't hit you. I have 17.7% ranged defense on my main controller, and the difference is very noticeable. It's saved my neck plenty oftimes. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
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Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
Despite the Hold Protection being a mere 2, you also gain a reduction to Hold durations on you. This does make it more difficult for hold to stack on you as they don't last as long(It is worth noting that these protections do not suppress when held).
The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU
I'm not sure if it has changed since, but I remember being able to Power Boost the Hold Magnitude. If your Secondary/Epics have Powerboost you could use it preemptively and take out the Mezer first while you have enough Mez protection to withstand the Hold.
Favorite Hero: Computer (Empathy/Energy Blast Defender)
Favorite Villain: Gimp Computer (Fire Control/Psionic Assault Dominator)
Yes, Acro will protect you from a mag 3 hold in PvE
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If you're asking this question, you probably are a squishy (blaster, troller or defender) and you're looking for some way to avoid being held so much. My advice is: slot IO sets with Defense bonuses. They can't hold you if they can't hit you. I have 17.7% ranged defense on my main controller, and the difference is very noticeable. It's saved my neck plenty oftimes.
No, it won't. It is a mag 2 protection, and players do not have any inherent protection. It will protect against mag 2 holds. It will not protect against anything higher than that.
It's a little known fact that players have an inherent mag 1 protection.
Though, to be clear, inherent protection is a bit misleading, since it doesn't show in the real numbers
It's just that players have to fall below -1 protection in PvE before they get mezzed. (acro +2 prot -3 hold = -1, not held )
Same with enemies too, if you've ever looked a an npc, like a boss, with a Power Analyzer you'd know that they don't show any inherent protection even though it's widely known Bosses have Mag 3(because bosses need to fall below -3 to get mezzed).
This is also why Kheldians only need 4 controllers to resist mag 3 holds(each troller gives +0.5 prot)
Edit: Made a quick mission in AE to to show an example:
As you can see, I'm not held by a Mag 3,
but by a Mag 4 I am, since it went below -1.
Awesome, thank you Tylerst!
Would acro protect you from a mag 3 hold (pve)? The protection is mag 2, but I seem to recall that players get a base protection of 1.