Should I even bother with LFT flags anymore?




Player Search would improve a lot if they gave the option to filter out all the people who are already on a team and causing the list to be truncated and hide many of the people are are solo.



My sincere hope is that due to the effect of being split into Heroes, Rogues, Vigilantes, and Villains, that it will come with a major revamp of the team search window, bringing in a lot of new features like showing team leaders, full teams, teams looking for more, etc.



Hey, three City of Cute avatars in a row!

Well 4 now.



5 no wait . . . . *sighs*

LFT flagged people gets first /tell invites, 'nuff said

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



i stopped bothering with it because it resets, i would leave it up all the time if it didnt reset every time i changed toons. the red "not looking" flag stays up even if you log, why not any of the other flags?



Yes, you should. FOr me, it is a VERY reliable system. More people should be using it.