Slotting Acc w/ Dark Servant....pls help.

Black Alexidor



I have recently read that Dark Servants' skills have seperate tohit checks.
For example slotting a Acc/Heal IO will not affect its Petrifying Gaze or Darkest Night accuracy stats. It has also been stated that Fluffy does NOT benefit from gloal Acc bonuses.
People have recommended to slot a single Acc SO, which is a good idea, but what I am wondering is this:

Will the Acc from HO's affect all skills like a SO would or would it only affect the attributes its related with. Example: Lysosome Exposure; will the Acc only affect the ToHit Debuff skills or go all around?

Any information or insight regarding this issue would be greatly beneficial.



I have no idea regarding the global bonuses but multiple attribute enhancements should enhance all of its relevant powers. If that somehow magically isn't the case, it most certainly would be a bug.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



It's been awhile since I messed with this and my search-fu is not turning up solid answers. I THINK that the way pet IO slotting works is that enhancements slotted in the summoning power apply to each power they CAN apply to. So yeah, a heal set IO is only going to apply to the Servant's powers that accept heal sets. SOs and HOs should apply to all powers since they are not restricted in slotting the way IO sets are. The exception, I think, is recharge enhancement which doesn't carry over and only reduces the recharge time of the summoning power itself.

Global accuracy (and IO set bonuses in general) only apply to the player, not the summoned pet. I think there is a specific MM IO set bonus that is an exception to this but I don't play MMs. In any case, doesn't apply to non-MM pets I think.

Now, used to be that if you slotted an IO set enhancement that included recharge, that WOULD affect the recharge time of the pet's powers. I don't think that's true anymore but haven't really tested it either. Probably ask this on the MM forums and you'll get better answers.

You can also experiment by adding "Pet Hit Rolls" and "Pet Combat" text to a chat window and monitoring the pet's tohit chances that way. With no acc enhancement and no tohit buffs / defense debuffs going, you should see the pet needing a 75% roll to hit an even-con minion.

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Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer

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Sorry cant answer you question, however I was under the impression the best thing to slot fluffy with is 2-hit debuffs as its chill of the night is auto-hit so you will always get full advantage from the SO/IOs.

I am PL in RL.

Freedom- Magnet Man, Hott Sauce, Stand-Up Comic



2 lysos are golden in fluffy. Its like slotting regular sos in the regard that its isn't actually power specific. For instance you can slot a lyso in brawl and it will indeed enhance its acc. You can't slot an acuarate heal in brawl so therefore it would not enhance its acc. Hope that makes sense.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.