KB now adays.




I just came back to the game after taking a long break. I've been trying to read up on the changes as much as I can. I have a few blasters I would like to take out in RV or maybe even a kickball. KB resist is an issue I haven't got a grasp on. I understand that you need KB resist as its a prominent form a damage mitigation. How ever I've been reading about some numbers that have been confusing me.

It seems that 41 KB or around that is what you want to build for. How ever I'm hearing about powers that far exceed 41 KB in mag. I'm not the best builder for sure, I've gotten a few builds with 35-40 ish KB of resist. How ever If that is not enough to stop KB in the first place then Y even build for it. As you could spend that amount of slotting on something more helpful like recharge or +acc.

How are people going about addressing this issue?

PS thank you for your help.



Common high-mag knockback powers are:

Lift/Levitate, mag 35 when slotted
Power Push, mag 46 when slotted
Force Bolt, mag 54 when slotted
Gale, only mag 31 or so when slotted but it tends to double itself

You'll want to shoot for, ideally, 41 points or more, in order to stop Power Push (knockback protection doesn't diminish as fast as knockback slotting, so 41 points of KB protection will stop a mag 46 KB). I'm not sure exactly what value is required to stop Force Bolt, though I've heard 45 might do it. For zone and kickball you should be fine with 41.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Common high-mag knockback powers are:

Lift/Levitate, mag 35 when slotted
Power Push, mag 46 when slotted
Force Bolt, mag 54 when slotted
Gale, only mag 31 or so when slotted but it tends to double itself

You'll want to shoot for, ideally, 41 points or more, in order to stop Power Push (knockback protection doesn't diminish as fast as knockback slotting, so 41 points of KB protection will stop a mag 46 KB). I'm not sure exactly what value is required to stop Force Bolt, though I've heard 45 might do it. For zone and kickball you should be fine with 41.
i've got toons with mag 44 protection that resist force bolts.



Impressive, thanks for the information guys.

So basically anyone with gale Or force bolt, is going to KB me with out alot of dedication to KB from Sets.

So again I ask, if you can't stop it Y spend so many slots trying?If the goal is to not get KB and that go is not reachable, as has been explained on your posts my question remains the same. I'm thinking more along the lines as Kick ball or Zone. I can see the logic in 1v1 situations as not everyone your going to be dueling is going to have Force bolt or gale.



You are going to want enough to stop Power Push (41) at least, as that'll save you from 90% of the knockback that happens. The other 10%? Just hope the other team's not coordinated enough to capitalize on it.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



I have a question for you guys also about KB. Say 2 /energy doms slotted up power push for max KB and a blaster/squishy in general has the KB protection to stop 1 power push how close together would the 2 doms have to attack in order to combine the KB of the power pushes and KB the squish?



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
I have a question for you guys also about KB. Say 2 /energy doms slotted up power push for max KB and a blaster/squishy in general has the KB protection to stop 1 power push how close together would the 2 doms have to attack in order to combine the KB of the power pushes and KB the squish?
It would have to be within the same server tick.

Thats the reason Gale sometimes causes kb even with its lower mag, it has two ticks which can tick during the same server tick. tick.tick.



Originally Posted by Lucky666 View Post
I have a question for you guys also about KB. Say 2 /energy doms slotted up power push for max KB and a blaster/squishy in general has the KB protection to stop 1 power push how close together would the 2 doms have to attack in order to combine the KB of the power pushes and KB the squish?
Yep they'd have to hit on the same server tick (every 0.25 seconds, I believe). Hard to coordinate even before you figure in client/server lag and any voice communication the two might be using. I wouldn't count on it ever happening, and if it does, it's basically a freak coincidence.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Yep they'd have to hit on the same server tick (every 0.25 seconds, I believe). Hard to coordinate even before you figure in client/server lag and any voice communication the two might be using. I wouldn't count on it ever happening, and if it does, it's basically a freak coincidence.
it can be done.

renegades used to do it in i12 with fort tk blast.



ahh cool thanks guys



there are some kb sets that can self stack thanks to animation times as well. Not going to make it to easy and tell people what they are. And as far as saying it was lucky I know of at least 2 people who can reproduce it enough that either they are the luckiest people in the world or its not rocket science.

Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.