Monday last chance Lord/Lady of Winter




I was thinking not everyone may have gotten the new Lord/Lady of winter badge from the new event. I kinda came to this year's winter event late and getting enough heroes to complete this task has become increasingly difficult.

To try and get this badge for one of my favorite characters, I'm organizing a last chance gathering for heroes and villains to come together and help fight back this menace. So I'd like to gather as many Heroes and Villains that are interested in spawning the Winter Lord in Bloody Bay, this way even the villains who may not have the ability to gather as many can get this badge before they have to wait for another year.

I plan to hold the event starting at 8pm EST and will begin recruiting till no later than 8:30. I would like two full teams at least for a good chance at being successful. If you're interested send a tell to @Maestra Gata in game and/or you can sign up here to let me know you would like to help.



the event is going on until the end of the month...



oops... misread it. go on with event as planned...



Canceled due to lack of interest