LadyGrims Epic [Going Rogue Challenge]




Recently, I realized I needed a bit of a recharge for my enthusiasm of City of Heroes. This happens, sometimes between updates, but at this juncture I sat down I came up with an interesting challenge for myself. Starting September 1st I took the National Novel Writing Month challenge (50k words in a month) to an extreme. I wrote 50k words per month until the end of the year. It was quite daunting, but I am well pleased with the outcome and it will be featured in my blog sometime soon in 2k word chunks, per day.

When I was thinking about how to get my CoH recharge I thought why not give myself a similar challenge. One AEpisode per week, in an ongoing epic, for City of Heroes. My creative juices began flowing and before I knew it I had the first three arcs ready. Now, to be fair, my SG friends received a sneak peak at these Arcs and while it is not required that you be part of our SG to know anything about the story, you will see us as guests and contacts.

Now, let me set the record straight on these arcs before the critic squads start tearing them appart. The main story is not an origin or an attempt to glorify my characters. It is a story with a beginning, middle, and end. There will be reading and challenges built into these arcs, but I will not go beyond medium sized maps or the two mission maximum per arc. There are no AVs, only EBs, but they are decently challenging (not kill-you-in-one-shot hard, though.) What I am doing is using my peers (the CoH community) as my audience for a story that will end with direct ties to Going Rogue.

So, without furthering my already large wall of text:

Storm of the Heart
Act One: 353717
Act Two: 355076
Act Three: 356371




sounds interesting, do you know how many total arcs you're going to have? Are you going to get more arc slots, rotate old arcs out, or use friend's slots? I would suggest leaving as many up as possible, since getting plays for new arcs is somewhat difficult. But good luck with it!



I actually have 8 slots and started with 3 arcs up and running [3 weeks until Act Four everyone.] I have 15 arcs planned. If Going Rogue is not out by then I have a backup plan, but I will keep that a secret until then.

Once I hit 8 arcs I will freeze for a week to let people play through them [Yes, a cliffhanger awaits at the end of Act Eight mwahaha, but that is a well guarded secret.] After that I will remove Act One and replace it with Act Nine and so forth until Act 15 is up and running.

The challenge is to see if I can create a serial that will keep people coming back for more. And I think, based on some friends' feedback, I have achieved just that.



This sounds like a lot of fun! I look forward to playing them

Craft your inventions in AE!!

Play "Crafter's Cafe" - Arc #487283. A 1 mission, NON-COMBAT AE arc with workable invention tables!



At the beginning of the year I set myself a challenge. One new arc a week, with an ongoing plot, until Going Rogue releases. Thanks to recent events in my life I must concede that I fell a bit behind, but as of today I am merely one week back. So, in addition to the first three arcs I now have up the next three:

Storm of the Heart:
Act Four: #374764
Act Five: #375255
Act Six: #376605

Enjoy them. I will have Acts Seven and Eight Done sometime this week.



Annnnnnd the Cliffhanger is up...

Act Seven: 378621
Act Eight: 379269

I am going to give everyone approximately two weeks (more if there is enough demand) to get through these eight AEpisodes before I take Act One down and replace it with Act Nine. I hope everyone likes the story thus far and believe me some changes will come with i17. Please enjoy the ride leading up to Going Rogue everyone!