



I need candy canes bad! So I was thinking today, what about a candy cane binge on Sunday.

Start time: Maybe around 2pm est

What: Well there is the question.

We can either do one team of Baby New Year over and over. Or several teams and sweep Paragon for Winter Lords and the Lord of Winter.



I haven't been paying much attention to the Winter Event. . .But what do Candy Canes get ya?



Costume options (the halos), extra doodads (you can buy the prior year's badges and costume pieces). And there's a new emote this year, throw snowflakes which is only available this way I think.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



If you're on Villains, you may want to just sweep Cap for Presents. If you get a nice large circuit going, even with poor "nice" rates and other people searching too, you can get around one hundred fifty in an hour.