Rage favors resistance toons over def




Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Having won the argument to add a heal to EA, we'd subsequently lose the argument that EA is sufficiently focused on DEF to mandate significantly higher DDR. EA is currently designed around defense, endurance drain, and heals, and has both stealth and endurance management as non-mitigation utility.
Whether the fact that EA has a heal (highly contributive though variable with number of nearby targets) and endurance drain (virtually useless for mitigation) accounts for the fact that it has only marginally more DDR than Invuln is probably up to debate. Does the fact that EA has a heal on a 60 second base recharge really make up for the fact that EA has both lower defenses, lower resistances, and lower DDR? Energy Drain is a pretty decent heal (though that depends heavily on the number of targets around) but EA is still pretty dependent on defense as its primary mechanism of survivability.

From what we can tell from the general placement of DDR, the varying quantities are given out to sets in rough equivalence to the amount of defense they have natively, and therefore, if we operate under the assumption that all sets are balanced, DDR would similarly scale with the amount of native defense that each set has.

Of course, as you probably know, I'm an advocate of Castle being substantially more liberal with debuff resistances than he has shown a predilection for being, so anything I say here is probably going to show that prejudice rather strongly, not to mention that I, personally, believe that EA is still a bit too weak even after the Energy Drain improvement (I'd love to see Conserve Power get the Energize treatment and have it be turned into a 20 second 7.5% +def or 25% +res buff on a 180 second timer with the token end redux still there to prevent breaking the cottage rule; adding a little bit of energy damage to nearby enemies would also be an interesting addition but not entirely necessary).



Maybe further discussion on EA will lead the thread too far away. The reason I mentioned EA in the first place is that the resistable -res/-def debuff suggestion is a little problematic. While it does remove the disparity between resistance and defense, rage will then affect different defense sets differently. The same is true for resistance sets. While it is technically correct that this is an issue of defense debuff resistance, not an issue of the suggestted rage, I'm not sure this is the best solution.

EA and super reflexes are just examples. EA has utilities like stealth and endurance management. While these utilities might not add much to survival, you can't make EA the same as super reflexes, then add stealth and endurance management on top. Therefore, the defense (and probably defense debuff resistance) in EA has to be lower. In the brute forum, we tried to fight for a better EA for a long time, and a higher defense debuff resistance is one of the suggestion. All we got is a small heal and toxic resistance in an irrelevant passive.



Originally Posted by Twilight_Snow View Post
While it does remove the disparity between resistance and defense, rage will then affect different defense sets differently.
Actually, it will affect them in a roughly identical manner. Sets with a lot of defense suffer a proportionately larger decrease in survivability when affected by a defense debuff as a resistance based set affected by an identical defense debuff. The reason for this is that mitigation from defense (and resistance) increases as you get more defense. Reducing 45% defense to 40% defense results in a doubling of incoming damage whereas reducing 0% defense to -5% defense results in a 10% increase in incoming damage. If the defense debuff were resistable, each set would, for the most part, be affected in a roughly identical manner thanks to the way Castle has allocated DDR.



Yes, resistable debuff will affect resistance sets and defense sets in roughly the same way. However, if you only compare the defense sets, does resistable debuff affect them the same way?



Originally Posted by Twilight_Snow View Post
However, if you only compare the defense sets, does resistable debuff affect them the same way?
If you're aiming for each of them receiving roughly the same level of decreased survivability on a percentage scale, then the answer is likely yes, with an acceptable degree of variance (though EA might be a bit of an outlier... I need to get a hold of Arcana's defense spreadsheet again so I can play with those numbers...).