No Telepad?




Okay, so I put a Basic Worktable in my base and crafted the Basic Telepad. But for some reason it's not available under my edit options of Place Items in the Teleporter Room. The only things there are the Raid Teleporter and all the Beacons.

Did I miss something, or is this a bug?

Please point me in the right direction, or slap me silly.


Don't I know you???



Instead of entering the Base Editor, choose the Place Personal Item button.


I see myself as witty, urbane, highly talented, hugely successful with a keen sense of style. Plus of course my own special brand of modesty.

Virtue: Automatic Lenin | The Pink Guy | Superpowered | Guardia | Guardia Prime | Ultrapowered



I can't remember for sure, but you may need to be in the teleport room for the item to show up in the menu. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.



I can't remember for sure, but you may need to be in the teleport room for the item to show up in the menu. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
When it comes to your Place Personal Items menu, it lists all the items, no matter what room you're in. The main Edit Base items though, will change depending on what room you are in, removing/adding tabs for item types that are allowed in each room.



Originally Posted by NinjaPirate View Post
Instead of entering the Base Editor, choose the Place Personal Item button.

Aha, thank you! I can't believe I missed this, I feel so dim lol.

Don't I know you???