~Flashing Back with Mr E (Hero) - Sat, Dec 19~

Luna de Nocturne



A Mr E-Man Production

Featuring Beauty in a Bubble

Mission: Flashing Back with Mr E – Hero Accomplishment Badges
Contact: Aspects of the Pillar of Ice and Flame
Location: Ouroboros

Date & Time: Saturday, December 19 @ 10:30PM Eastern/7:30PM Pacific

Level Range: Various

Combatants: Various

Arch-Villain(s)/Hero(es): Various

Current Team Roster:

1: Beauty in a Bubble: Ill/FF Controller
2: Dyanthia: Rad/Rad Defender
3: Turg: TBA
4: Dr. Hollywood: Emp/Psi Defender
5: Nericus: Warshade
6: MIdnight Meow: Eng/Eng Blaster

Flashback Info & Stats:

  • Flashbacking requires a 1-person team to start
  • Number of missions varies - but the majority of these are single missions
  • Badge(s): See Below
  • Merit Reward: Varies
  • We will see how the sign-ups go before expanding to two teams
  • If you will be switching out to different characters for the badges, please have them parked in Ouroboros to save time
  • If we have time/interest, we may also run the Penelope Yin arc for the Rescuer Badge
Mission Set List:
  • Negotiator: Complete the Get the Clockwork out of the warehouse before the Skulls get involved mission
  • Spelunker: Complete the Rescue Fortune Teller mission
  • Plague Stopper: Complete the Destroy Plague Containers mission
  • Spirit Warrior: Complete the Stop both Groups of Mystic Madmen mission
  • Pwnz: Complete the Retrieve Weapons From The Freakshow mission
  • Redeemer: Complete the Speak to Alexander mini-arc
  • Mystical Savior: Complete the Track down the Pantheon and rescue the mystics mission
  • Corrupter: Complete the Rescue the O'Gaffney law firm from the Circle of Thorns mini-arc
  • War Wall Defender: Complete the Rescue the engineers and prevent the Rikti from bringing down the force fields mission
  • The Doctor's Ally: Complete the Investigate the hacker known as The Doctor mission
  • Frontline: Complete the Stop the Circle of Thorns from contacting an alternate world mission
  • Emancipator: Complete the Investigate the psychic signal mission
  • Meteorologist: Complete the Defeat all foes in weather lab mission
  • Bodyguard: Complete the Rescue Rikti negotiator quickly mission
  • Agent: Complete the Eliminate Marauder's Cell mission
Join in the fun & get some shiny badges as an early Christmas present! Sign-up here or send a global to @Mr E-Man.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I'll be joining on Dr. Hollywood (Emp/Psi Defender).



LoL I forgot how many mission badges there actually were. Most of them should be quick and easy though.

I'm in.. I was thinking of bringing Nurse Smurfette (Emp/Rad Defender), but we already have a couple Defenders and it isn't important who I bring anyway, so I'll pick Midnight Meow (NRG/NRG Blaster) instead.

As always, I'm willing to switch for the needs of the team as well. Tabby is always on the table. FWIW, she was created with resistance at early levels, so while she may not have any attacks, tanking shouldn't be a problem if needed. (Veteran attacks FTW! lol)



Just a reminder that this is scheduled for tonight!

Meet in Ouroboros of course.

Have a good Saturday everyone.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I'm taking a chance here..

There is a Blizzard warning tonight and we're planning to go see Avatar 3d at around 630.. It's about 3 hours long (including previews) and the place is about half an hour away (normally).

Hopfully the snow/traffic isn't very bad. I should still be here right on time, but since this is multi-mission, don't worry about waiting for me if I'm late and I'll jump in when I get here.



We are completely immobilized here - we must have had a whopping one eighth of one millimeter of snow...I'm not going out in that...


Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
We are completely immobilized here - we must have had a whopping one eighth of one millimeter of snow...I'm not going out in that...

lol well there is no snow here at all either, but the storm isn't supposed to be until later.. and it's supposed to hit your area too if I'm not mistaken. I think the weather advisory is until 6am tomorrow... but it's a little warmer there, so you might just get a mix, where it will be full-on snow here for about 18 inches worth. lol



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
lol well there is no snow here at all either, but the storm isn't supposed to be until later.. and it's supposed to hit your area too if I'm not mistaken. I think the weather advisory is until 6am tomorrow... but it's a little warmer there, so you might just get a mix, where it will be full-on snow here for about 18 inches worth. lol
We are 80 miles SE of Philly (southern tip of NJ) & they have 6+ inches on the ground...but, we are on a barrier island, so lots of salt in the air that not only rusts everything, but also keeps snow from sticking to the ground.

Not to say we never get snow - here is a pic from last January:

But it does take a heavy storm for us to get a covering on more than just the lawn & car.

Right now we are being hit with heavy winds, rain & some sleet.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
We are 80 miles SE of Philly (southern tip of NJ) & they have 6+ inches on the ground...but, we are on a barrier island, so lots of salt in the air that not only rusts everything, but also keeps snow from sticking to the ground.
Yeah, looks like you are hovering around the freezing point in that area. I'm on the south shore of Boston and it's currently 26, and it's only going to get colder. I'm originally from UpstateNY.. so unlike most people here, I KNOW how to drive in it. It seems they don't budget for snow removal around here like they do in UpstateNY, so the roads are always worse anyway, but when traffic is slow and backed up, I have no choice but to be slower too. haha

It's funny that Philly has 6 inches, you are getting windy rain, but we have no activity at all here. If it wasn't for the slight chill, I'd say it was a nice day.. oh.. but that just means it's coming soon! haha



Well.. I'm home.. with plenty of time before the event. Turns out there is NO SNOW yet..

I think everybody else is as puzzled as I am. The streets are covered.. with salt/sand.. but not a snowflake in sight. I'm sure waking up tomorrow will be a heck of a sight!

Looking at the news, the storm seems to have moved it's course to the south a bit more and might miss us.. or at least not hit us as hard here.

On a side note.. I loved Avatar 3D.



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
Sorry for the no-show. Fell asleep on the couch with Tina and Thor. My bad, all.

That's OK I won the "Will Turg Make it Pool" - won a big 10 infuence... :smirk:

We had a pretty good run - we finished the following badge missions/mini-arcs:
  • Negotiator: Complete the Get the Clockwork out of the warehouse before the Skulls get involved mission
  • Spelunker: Complete the Rescue Fortune Teller mission
  • Plague Stopper: Complete the Destroy Plague Containers mission
  • Spirit Warrior: Complete the Stop both Groups of Mystic Madmen mission
  • Pwnz: Complete the Retrieve Weapons From The Freakshow mission
  • Redeemer: Complete the Speak to Alexander mini-arc
  • Mystical Savior: Complete the Track down the Pantheon and rescue the mystics mission
  • Corrupter: Complete the Rescue the O'Gaffney law firm from the Circle of Thorns mini-arc
We even - accidentally - got to fight Dr Vahzilok...when I selected the wrong flashback mission...

Thanks for joining everyone - we'll finish off the 2nd half of the missions along with the Rescuer arc after the Christmas holidays are over.

I will not be running anything next week (either Wednesday or the weekend) - I will be in Philly from Wednesday to Sunday. I may be on, but I do not like to lead TFs, etc while traveling - my connection can at times be spotty.

Happy Holidays!

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Fun night. I decided to stick around a little while longer and get the last 2 badges I still needed. Took me an hour and a half to solo a Nemesis mini-arc (1 hunt, 2 talks, and 3 kill-all missions, iirc) for Meteorologist.... Psychic Blast is that bad.



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
That's OK I won the "Will Turg Make it Pool" - won a big 10 infuence... :smirk:
I SO wanna link a pic to that toddler soccer hooligan giving the field the middle finger...

(Hates himself for being so predictable lately.)

Glad the run went off profitably well. I'd love to get this rolling at some point, but I can easily solo it, it's just nice to have others to egg you on to do it.