Classify your MAArc!




Companion to the Thread in the City Life Forums

I've been thinking about classifiyng the Contacts, Storylines, Missions, and other story elements in-game for players who want their characters to do things more their speed. This of course requires me to create some classifications.

The purpose of this is to allow players to create their character snad tailor their play experience more to the type of career they'd want that character to have, instead of the current system of starting out small, and growing in power.

They could start out small time and stay that way, having big wins on their own scale instead of trying to have Daredevil save the world from Cthulu. Conversely they could start out as a massive, world destroying villain/ world Saving Hero and keot it up throughout their career.

Obviously this would facilitate the need for the same classifications in AE as there's little world-shattering content at the early levels, and similarly few small scale content in the end game. This would result in a mix of AE and Dev Content play.

As a Mission Architect, you could Put a little tag before the description of each mission with one of these, in addition to the tags already available that fulfill this purpose to some degree.

If this becomes an agreed-upon activity, I'd post up a thread listing arcs people would like categorized, or have already categorized, and would continuously update the First Few OPS(for each Scale Category) with the Numbers of the Arcs as needed.

These classifications are designed to address what your character does 70-90% of the time. Since 70-90% of your play experience would be in missions and such, this would apply most directly to mission and TFs/SFs, and mission related content, Contacts, enemy groups, and all of that. Obvious allowances are made for zone events and GIant Monsters as heroes/villains occaisionally step up, down, or to the side of their usual "norm".

These would be the origins Set in the game

Character scale:
This is where it gets somewhat complicated.

To give an example, let's examine our friendly neighborhood Spider-man

Spider-man would be classified as Crime Fighter scale

Roughly 40% of his Super-Heroing time is spent figting small crime. The other 40% is fighting Small time thugs who happen to have super-powers(Sandman, Shocker, Rhino) Villains who have a specific vendetta against him (Venom) or plain old crazy villains (Green Goblin)

Sure, Spidey occaisionally gets embroiled in Marvel's big- giant, who gives a crap Multi Comic crossover event, but that's an exception, rather than his standard.

And while some of his villains occaisionally get too big for their britches, Doc Ock is a big perpetrator of this, most of them fall into one of the three aformentioned Catagories.

This specifically deals with the type of character you're making, Obviously a low level criminal would'nt be taking over the world, and a hero determined to protect their neighborhood would'nt have the firepower to stop them if they did. So here are the classifications I've devised (so far)


  • Cosmic Defender:
    You save the world. All the time. Sometimes you even save the whole universe. It's your specific duty to tackle the big, world threatening problems.

    The Justice League
    The Avengers
    Doctor Strange
    Silver Surfer
    Green Lantern

  • Crime fighter:
    You fight crime. You're in the trenches, on the streets. You may not stop meteors from smashing into earth, but you help keep earth running every day.

    Moon Knight
    Batman(except when he's in the justice league)
    The Question

  • Hunter
    You've made it your life's work to attend to what you consider a major threat. Nothing will distract you from taking down your enemy.

    Punisher(these can fit multiple characters)

  • Hero For Hire
    You work for a benevolent organization. The pay you rather well to eliminate specific problems and then to go home.

    Luke Cage
    Misty Knight

  • Criminal
    You're a common criminal. You'd be happy having you own gang, maybe a nice little place somewhere with lax extradition laws. you don't need to take over the world.

    Killer Croc

  • Super-Villain
    You'll show them. One day the world will be YOURS(or at least the dark gods you serve) Through your evil mcahinations you seek to control everything and reform it in your image

    Doctor Doom
    Lex Luthor
    Baron Mordu
    Dr. Octopus

  • Mercenary
    You don't care what the job is, you just want the money.You'll do whatever anyone pays you to do...

    ...any assassin
    The Enforcers

  • Destroyer
    You're crazy. It's hard to put it any clearer. You just want to destroy anything you can. You do everything for the sake of doing it.

    the Joker
    Green Goblin

  • Arch-Nemesis
    You exist purely to make someone else personally miserable. The hate you feel for them burns ith such intensity, it threatens to consume you.

    Green Goblin
    Lex Luthor (like heroes, villains can fit for multiple roles)

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



That sounds like classifications for characters, not arcs. Not every arc is an origin story, in fact most are not. Also, very hard to read without proper line breaks.



They are, mostly/. but they match Up with arc classifications as well.
A crime Fighter hero would be less inclined to take on problems of a Cosmic Defender scale no hope(relatively speaking) of winning it. A Criminal scale villain probably would'nt want a Destroyer scale mission, holds no personal profit.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
That sounds like classifications for characters, not arcs. Not every arc is an origin story, in fact most are not.
Yeah, these look rather inappropriate for arcs plus we already have both the in-game tags and these.



The character-scale description defines what they do. What they(heroes and villains) do in this game is defined by what missions they take. Thus, tag the Arcs to suit the types of characters outlined here.

The premise is it's supposed to work in tandem with the same system for dev-created content to allow people to play along the lines of what they want their character to do without going outside that range unless the REALLY like the mission that does.

Play Crime-fighter slanted dev-content until you get to a high enough level that the threats you face start to outstrip your Crime Fighter character, then delve into Architecht arcs labeled as such( or not labeled, but still fitting the description, bouncing back and forth when you get a contact that fits your character.

As for the Player-created tags
Well, that's exactly what I'm talking about here, did'nt know about that, but I still think this has merit for the reasons stated above.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



It's a good idea in my opinion but I think it'll be more useful for canon content than arcs. Most arcs will probably be pretty upfront on their style of mission unless the twist is in how it shifts. However, I think that fully worded title descriptions might be more understandable than the tags (though it conflicts with text limits). What might work best on the MA side of things is to try to use this as a springboard to get the Devs to expand our current tag selection since there are things that aren't just Save the World/Rule the World in scale.

Oh, and you should probably add Carnage to the Destroyer category.



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
What might work best on the MA side of things is to try to use this as a springboard to get the Devs to expand our current tag selection since there are things that aren't just Save the World/Rule the World in scale.
Always a good idea, the list of "romance", "comedy", etc. is too generic I think.