Help with MA...




Trying to plan out the story for my first go at MA.

However, I have a question or two...

Can you setup the custom mobs/critters/AVs with multiple attacks? IE: Fire Blast and Martial Arts and a Defensive Secondary? Or is that impossible?

The plan is more for a RP event with my SG, than worrying if the rest of the player base enjoys it or not (I'd assume not, as one enemy I want to be difficult for an 8 man team to deal with an AV obviously).

Trying to plan it out before hand, so I'd also like to know if you're able to leave bodies scattered across the floor, like in the LGTF, where you see Longbow & Rikti laying everywhere.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Can you setup the custom mobs/critters/AVs with multiple attacks? IE: Fire Blast and Martial Arts and a Defensive Secondary? Or is that impossible?
You can only give a custom critter two powersets.

Trying to plan it out before hand, so I'd also like to know if you're able to leave bodies scattered across the floor, like in the LGTF, where you see Longbow & Rikti laying everywhere.
Create an optional "fight a boss" objective, set the alignment to "ally," and give them all the "unconscious" animation. You'll have to mess around with spawn placement, since they'll get up and fight if approached by a hostile.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
The plan is more for a RP event with my SG, than worrying if the rest of the player base enjoys it or not (I'd assume not, as one enemy I want to be difficult for an 8 man team to deal with an AV obviously).
emphasis mine
I hear some folk love AE arcs like that, not shun them. (I'm hoping so anyways - the mission I'm currently working on will have an AV. o_o; )