Freedom PvP




So everything I've read has pointed out that Freedom is the "unofficial" pvp server. I have yet to pvp in this game but I'm sure it will eventually happen as it is something that I do enjoy in MMOs.

My question is what the pvp zones are like. I assume arenas are very much like they are in WoW... small area an equal number of red and blue first team to fall loses. But what are the open zones like? I know in some MMOs pvp zones tend to be a gankfest for high lvls to prey on toons with no chance of winning which I'm sure happens to an extent (every game has it's A-holes) but I'm hoping it's more competetive. I know when I played WoW if I saw someone more than a couple lvls below me I would leave them alone... it just seems stupid and there was no challenge which is part of what makes a game fun.

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



Originally Posted by Radubadu View Post
My question is what the pvp zones are like. I assume arenas are very much like they are in WoW... small area an equal number of red and blue first team to fall loses. But what are the open zones like? I know in some MMOs pvp zones tend to be a gankfest for high lvls to prey on toons with no chance of winning which I'm sure happens to an extent (every game has it's A-holes) but I'm hoping it's more competetive. I know when I played WoW if I saw someone more than a couple lvls below me I would leave them alone... it just seems stupid and there was no challenge which is part of what makes a game fun.
The PVP zones (Recluse's Victory, Siren's Call, Warburg, Bloody Bay) are all level locked to represent a minimum level of entry, and a maximum level of performance. Take Bloody Bay: Mimimum level for entry is 15, and ALL players play at equivalent lvl of 25 (so, a lvl 50 going there is auto-exemplared to 25 for available powers and slots in the order he/she received it). In theory, it puts all players on an "even" playing field, preventing ganking of mega-high level players on lower level ones (like you commonly see in Aion).

In practice, not all classes/builds/enhancements are created equal, so you'll see the "normal" players getting trounced by meticulously planned, purpled-out PVP build players (who use the system rightfully in maximizing bonuses for added edges). Quick summary: If you want to hang in the PVP zones, you really should plan your secondary build to maximize your benefits for PVP combat.

I think that answers your question about high level ganking? If anyone else wants to chime in, fill in the blanks, contradict me, etc, go nuts.



That's pretty much what I was looking for thanks!

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



add arena chat to one of your tabs.
don't say anything stupid for a week and just watch/join.



yeah, ill agree with turg (omg its been so long but how could I forget that adorable little kitty)

you are all the same level, but some people have purps for a half ***** frankenslot where others have lvl 25ish non set IOs (which are pretty much SOs)



Welcome to Freedom!! RV is a hopping place, so make sure you choose your AT and powers wisely and then when you are ready, join in on the action!!

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
The PVP zones (Recluse's Victory, Siren's Call, Warburg, Bloody Bay) are all level locked to represent a minimum level of entry, and a maximum level of performance. Take Bloody Bay: Mimimum level for entry is 15, and ALL players play at equivalent lvl of 25 (so, a lvl 50 going there is auto-exemplared to 25 for available powers and slots in the order he/she received it). In theory, it puts all players on an "even" playing field, preventing ganking of mega-high level players on lower level ones (like you commonly see in Aion).
This is more or less the case, though in most cases higher-level characters will have the advantage even if everyone's set to the same level. With the I16 exemplar changes you will keep an extra power or two (three, in the case of Bloody Bay) when you exemplar down into a zone, and higher-level characters may have better enhancements slotted or have accolades to boost their stats. That being said, setting everyone to the same combat level ensures you won't be at a massive disadvantage right from the get-go.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."