All human PB build help




Hello all.

I was so lucky as to get my main hero to lvl 50 today (Thank you all for your kind congratulations)! Now, with the kheldians open, I have of course thought about some background and build outing for my PB, who is gonna be an all-human build and tri-form build (this will be done later). I have had some trouble building it, so please give me some help.

Thank you

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA9592DB6ED3401086D7495C37B5D3240D3DB7E98106522 AE59AC305022AA44A0|
|52282B80222A76C9B95CC46B29D02773C00AFC083209E8993 040284C0CCCC6EA3A9|
|7CC54AF964FFFAF69F55BCF75EED0742BCB9299CB93B51982 4FDAE0C8FE42056FA4|
|4C6DEFD301DC76154EBA92495F1666FA8B47C3E7AA93D2144 8B9BFD07C7C75227EA|
|54760EC72F941E8D93FE6DE84B77CE59FB3267DD8201F5033 D94B1D469E7EC21E88|
|E4651E7AE4AB54C92732FBE7989D4C930ADD3F3813E55891A A848A5AFC5129C6C17|
|7EBF5C6157E6880C9628103F62EEF0BC44FCEDDA58644587F 933C4CBC44FE014CDD|
|E6291ED35CE15E21F705CDBE35232C5D824FE05C1B38E47C9 34E30ED105A16C6689|
|32255F60976FA7FB94048C66BA9812A2629B2B94CC329A660 F9AABB6A74A498D718|
|1E8404FDDF6D4299963343DD3D0D3B03D0D4A2E309A9EAF70 E679EBCC53B2C668CE|
|9C81B3686615162959622CC14996ED4996295961DC227E868 655EBACB27C8B7DBB6|
|FE0AC5B679D7D8B26735C98B5619D0D4A3673FC013DDBD6D9 A6E4628E3FC16959A7|
|45C9A51C0B30AB6D9D3625BB397E879E3DE3883DF35F4DD65 A6972BF85B9C787B9A|
|45B9ADC6961EE74931CCCB2AC9DF37B909405BF73D97FAFF7 C1596BF9E10CF011A2|
|8B788C7882788A7886081103C41122FB30D95DBD8AC7BB86B 88EB881788B92E7037|

@Global: Difficult One
Playing on European Servers (Union, Defiant)

If a person turns down an idea, he turns down an opportunity to evolve himself



It's interesting to me because I can usually tell if somebody hasn't build a Kheldian before.

The first impulse of most new Khelds is to make everything even so you get about equal slotting in all powers.

I know how people here hate using the term "wrong" when talking Kheldians but I think your going to be best served by finding out what powers you do or do not use alot and slotting the ones you do heavily while letting the ones you seldom or don't use sit on 1 or 2 slots.

Your only going to find out what you do use by experience and play.

At this time I have no advice to offer that would be useful to you. Sorry.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Originally Posted by Obsidian_Force2 View Post
At this time I have no advice to offer that would be useful to you. Sorry.
To me it's good enough that you will take your time commenting on me, so thank you for that

About the toon, let me remind you that I haven't created the character yet and thus have an idea of using alot of my powers rather even; thus, if I can understand you right Obsidian, then your advice to me right now will be to try playing with the PB before I build it up, right?

@Global: Difficult One
Playing on European Servers (Union, Defiant)

If a person turns down an idea, he turns down an opportunity to evolve himself



I wouldn't even concider making a build until the mid to late 20's when you have a more accurate view of what your play style will be.

That said, heavily slotting your high damage and or fast recharging attacks is never a bad plan, and since your going human predominantly I would also heavily slot the heals and shields.

If you PL'd to 50 just to get an "epic" thinking you'd be �ber, you're going to be sorely disappointed with the HEATs, because the VEATs were designed so that anyone with one good finger and a braincell can rock the toggles.



Hm. It looks to me like you're trying to make primarily a blaster-type human form. You've taken almost all the ranged attacks, and it looks like you're relying on having a defender with you to handle the healing through most of your leveling up.

What you will quickly find, in play, is that Human Form Peacebringers are not blasters. They're blappers.

The blasts are anemic in comparison to the melee attacks, and even the melee attacks are, overall, ho hum. They are where the strength of the human form damage is, though, so you'll find yourself dancing in and out of melee a lot, or slugging it out with whatever boss mob you're in.

That said, you'll need your heals much earlier, and the PBAOE stun is vital for mitigating damage. Photon Seekers are an excellent, crashless mini-nuke if you launch them while you're in the middle of a group.

Take Quantum Shield as soon as you can, save Thermal Shield for later.



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
Hm. It looks to me like you're trying to make primarily a blaster-type human form. You've taken almost all the ranged attacks, and it looks like you're relying on having a defender with you to handle the healing through most of your leveling up.

What you will quickly find, in play, is that Human Form Peacebringers are not blasters. They're blappers.

The blasts are anemic in comparison to the melee attacks, and even the melee attacks are, overall, ho hum. They are where the strength of the human form damage is, though, so you'll find yourself dancing in and out of melee a lot, or slugging it out with whatever boss mob you're in.

That said, you'll need your heals much earlier, and the PBAOE stun is vital for mitigating damage. Photon Seekers are an excellent, crashless mini-nuke if you launch them while you're in the middle of a group.

Take Quantum Shield as soon as you can, save Thermal Shield for later.
Couple of things. First, I'll agree that my building could have been better (I think).

Second, I wanted this toon to be an all-around powerhouse (if that definition is understood), meaning she should be able to manage any position; this said, I would say that I have certainly laid focus on the melee components of the build: Radiant Strike, Incandescent Strike, Solar Flare (And yes, I consider this a melee component) and Dawn Strike (I like having a panic button/play-with-muscles power ), the important note was that I didn't make it total and asked for help, naturally unaware that I had no idea of the complexity of such a playstyle. Furthermore about the power choices, I am not that used to many of the power pools, if you think of Medicine for healing purposes...

Third: what do you mean by "ho hum"? If you don't remember, try looking in the quote and see if you recollect.

Fourth (possibly conclusion): Now that I have begun playing the PB, in a tri-form build, I do realize that it is actually tough to find your playstyle... She's at lvl 7/8 now, and I think I'll make her lvl 10 build all-human, so I can try the human powers with a faster approach.

@Global: Difficult One
Playing on European Servers (Union, Defiant)

If a person turns down an idea, he turns down an opportunity to evolve himself



Got a question about some power choices, since the thread is technically called build help. I have gotten more insight in the human Peacebringer, and now I can't decide which ranged AoE I should take. The choise is ofc between Proton Scatter and Luminous detonation. I think Proton Scatter looks the coolest, but Luminous detonation do have more "useful" side-effects, so to say.

1. My average observation of TAoE (Targeted AoE) is that it hits more enemies than CAoE (Cone AoE). This will talk for luminous detonation over proton scatter, both because Luminous Detonation has longer range than Proton Scatter, and because it hits more enemies, as said above.
2. Luminous Detonation has a mitigation effect, KB; Proton Scatter has none other than Def debuff.

The reasons I want Proton Scatter over Luminous Detonation is that I think Proton Scatter looks cooler and because it does more damage (although the damage isn't the reason to my wondering).

@Global: Difficult One
Playing on European Servers (Union, Defiant)

If a person turns down an idea, he turns down an opportunity to evolve himself



I love my all human PB he was my quickest toon to 50 and i also focused on his damage being number one but i love me some energy and smashing shields with the two heals. I hope you have alot of fun with ur PB and congrats on making 50



Originally Posted by JanusFrs View Post
Got a question about some power choices, since the thread is technically called build help. I have gotten more insight in the human Peacebringer, and now I can't decide which ranged AoE I should take. The choise is ofc between Proton Scatter and Luminous detonation. I think Proton Scatter looks the coolest, but Luminous detonation do have more "useful" side-effects, so to say.

1. My average observation of TAoE (Targeted AoE) is that it hits more enemies than CAoE (Cone AoE). This will talk for luminous detonation over proton scatter, both because Luminous Detonation has longer range than Proton Scatter, and because it hits more enemies, as said above.
2. Luminous Detonation has a mitigation effect, KB; Proton Scatter has none other than Def debuff.

The reasons I want Proton Scatter over Luminous Detonation is that I think Proton Scatter looks cooler and because it does more damage (although the damage isn't the reason to my wondering).
Both are decent choices. With Luminous Detonation you don't have to worry about positioning. With Proton Scatter, you'd need to hop back some short distance before you use it and move around some, when you're in melee.

As for my comments about melee damage being "ho hum", it's in comparison. The ranged damage scalar for Human form peacebringers is .8, the melee damage scalar is .85.

For the Nova form, the damage scalar is 1.2. For the Dwarf form, the damage scalar is 1.0. So you can see that the human form, being a generalist, suffers in comparison.

Melee attacks are, in general, more powerful as well. This means that at some point you will find yourself blasting away with your ranged attacks simply because you have nothing else to do as you wait for your melee attacks to recharge.



Having finally decided to give PBs a REAL chance myself the last month or so, I'd say Starcloud nailed it dead on. Mine is 41 now and I love her. It helps that I like the whole blapper concept and have built a couple of pretty decent blasters that way.

Shields, (and yes, grab the thermal shield last of the three), the two self heals and the PBAOE stun are all pretty much vital though, even more so when you're soloing.

That's the interesting thing for me with a Kheld also; the difference in power in a group vs solo. I'd recommend getting familiar with soloing and all sizes of teams so you get used to the variation there. On an 8 man team that sticks close together, you'll feel like a god. Soloing feels pretty weak by comparison. Not Defender level DPS, but...

Another life saver is getting a KB protection proc. I played hell with void hunters and quantum gunners until I did. All of the sudden I could handle the damage (if shielded) long enough to wipe the floor with most of them.

Now if I could figure out a way to handle the never ending stuns from some mobs... *sigh*

OK yeah, I'm covering play tactics instead of build, but Starcraft did a good job there anyway. Given my moderate level of experience with Khelds, I'll shut up now and let the serious veterans add their two cents.