Need a build! fire/fsi/primal forces




hey guys looking for the best uber build for these power sets toon already sits at 50 and money is no object can any one drum me up a good build please?



Didn't you post this same topic less than a week ago?

Rather than being lazy and simply throwing out a post asking for an "uber" build, why not try the search function? There are plenty of threads discussing fire/mm builds. Expend a little effort rather than expecting something to be handed to you on a silver platter.

There's nothing wrong with asking for help or advice, but don't expect others to do all the work for you...



i tried the search function BEFORE! posting and havn't found anything. Yes i posted it twice as there was no answer the first time, and im sorry i dont have all the time in the world to make my own builds as i dont have the time to research io's etc, i do work and its not lazyness its called being a training doctor mate, if u were ill would u just expect to go to the doctors and get free advice and help handed to you on a silver platter? i think you would. i thought that there were enough 'nice' people in the coh community that would put there 2 pence worth in... i guess i was wrong i just get people like you that critasize and call people lazy knowing nothing about the other persons personal life.



Originally Posted by fatalnova View Post
i tried the search function BEFORE! posting and havn't found anything.
Took me less than 2 minutes to pull these up by typing in nothing more complex than "fire" in the search box for the blaster forum.

There were plenty more. There were also dozens of threads about fire blasters in general, and quite a few about mental manipulation as a secondary.

Yes i posted it twice as there was no answer the first time, and im sorry i dont have all the time in the world to make my own builds as i dont have the time to research io's etc,
The difference between your posts and all the others, is that others posted legitimate and specific questions asking for help and more often than not posted a build and asked for critique on making it better. Your post consisted of nothing more that "make me an uber build & I don't care what it costs".

They got responses to their threads. You did not. Can you see why that might have been?

i do work
So do I, as well as probably the vast majority of people here. Right in the middle of working a 7x12 hour work week, and heading out the door to work in less than an hour.

and its not lazyness
What would you call it when you ask for someone else to do all the work for you?

if u were ill would u just expect to go to the doctors and get free advice and help handed to you on a silver platter? i think you would.
No, I would expect to be paying money in exchange for their service, either directly or in the form of insurance premiums or taxes. And they would damn well be expecting to get paid too... I sincerely hope if you're planning on becoming a doctor, you have a better idea of how the system works than your comment indicates.

i thought that there were enough 'nice' people in the coh community that would put there 2 pence worth in... i guess i was wrong i just get people like you that critasize and call people lazy knowing nothing about the other persons personal life.
There are plenty of nice and helpful people here. We'll be happy to try and help you out, if you only put forth a little effort. You're right, I know nothing about your personal life (nor do I care, frankly). All I, and others, have to judge you by are your posts.

And FYI, there's an ongoing thread discussing these type of "Make me a...toon" posts.

Originally Posted by magikwand View Post
Am I the only person that sees something wrong with players coming to the forums and asking for other people to make them a build? No, I am not talking about people who post up their own builds and ask for a review or assistance or comments. I am talking about people who just come and flat out ask for someone to make a build for them that is "Godly". It comes across as many things, but lazy is pretty much at the top of the list.



Originally Posted by fatalnova View Post
i tried the search function BEFORE! posting and havn't found anything. Yes i posted it twice as there was no answer the first time, and im sorry i dont have all the time in the world to make my own builds as i dont have the time to research io's etc, i do work and its not lazyness its called being a training doctor mate, if u were ill would u just expect to go to the doctors and get free advice and help handed to you on a silver platter? i think you would. i thought that there were enough 'nice' people in the coh community that would put there 2 pence worth in... i guess i was wrong i just get people like you that critasize and call people lazy knowing nothing about the other persons personal life.
And yet you have all that time to farm up the influence for an unlimited budget build.

Just. Not. Buying. It.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
And yet you have all that time to farm up the influence for an unlimited budget build.

Just. Not. Buying. It.
Perhaps there is something else being bought around here...



Well, he IS asking someone only to post a build. He isn't necessarily asking someone to make one. Many players already have fire/mm builds saved and it would take less than 30 seconds to post one. It's not really that ridiculous of a thing to ask. You kind of make it sound as if he is asking someone to give him all the influence for the build.



Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
Well, he IS asking someone only to post a build.
Right... Like the dozens of fire/mm builds that are already posted that could be found with even a minimum of effort.



Well yeah, that's a point



Just added the fire/mental tag to this post, as I have with over a half dozen others as well. If the OP really wants a build, he could just click on the tag without having to search on his own.

Since I've been usefully tagging most the information subforums, I've found that the "Here's my build, how does it look?" threads tend to get responses much more so than the "Post me a good build" ones. I don't care either way which tact people go for, but as far as results go, I can say with some certainity that the OP is not going about this in the optimal way.

I'm Tealeaf, and I approve of this message.

See [URL=""]Useful Tagging for the good of the Forum[/URL], my guide to tags.



i only asked if some one could post an uber one! i was expecting people to post a few builds would drum up a conversation and then would be able to pick the best out of a few of them, i DID try the serch and came up with nothing!

Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
And yet you have all that time to farm up the influence for an unlimited budget build.

Just. Not. Buying. It.
no u fool this was somthing to work towards its not like i have millions upon millions lying around after endless hours of mindless farming the fire/mm was my 1st ever 50 and has been for 2 and half years now!

and as for research into the feild that im looking to work in, dude have u never heard of the NHS i hate people who think they know it all! i have been doing it for 3 years mate i think i know how the system works!

maybe i havnt gone about my post the right way but as u can see i dont tend to post much on these forums!

but thank you for the very FEW people that helped and didnt just rant on. coh does need a more people like u and less WoW type people that think they know it all and can just rant at people for not doing stuff the way they would.



Originally Posted by fatalnova View Post
no u fool
Nice personal attack...



Originally Posted by fatalnova View Post
i only asked if some one could post an uber one! i was expecting people to post a few builds would drum up a conversation and then would be able to pick the best out of a few of them, i DID try the serch and came up with nothing!

no u fool this was somthing to work towards its not like i have millions upon millions lying around after endless hours of mindless farming the fire/mm was my 1st ever 50 and has been for 2 and half years now!

and as for research into the feild that im looking to work in, dude have u never heard of the NHS i hate people who think they know it all! i have been doing it for 3 years mate i think i know how the system works!

maybe i havnt gone about my post the right way but as u can see i dont tend to post much on these forums!

but thank you for the very FEW people that helped and didnt just rant on. coh does need a more people like u and less WoW type people that think they know it all and can just rant at people for not doing stuff the way they would.
I'm hoping that your inability to use English grammar and capitalization is not a reflection of your budding medical skills or professionalism. If they are, I feel sorry for your future patients.

Also, fyi mental manipulation came with issue 12, which hit the live servers on May 2008. You must have the oldest fire/mm in the game.

Also, it's pretty clear that you resort to insults if things aren't merely handed to you. I have a hard time believing you're in any type of real professional training program at all. You come off sounding like an immature 10-year-old, ranting and screaming, not someone who will be entrusted with saving lives.

I hope for your sake that this is merely some attempt at role playing, and that you're not the punk you come across as.