~ITF Speed Runs---Wednesday, December 2nd at 4:30pm~




Hey everyone, I know this is short notice, but I'm doing some ITF runs today. If you can't make this, there are already signups for a 7:30 run by Mr E-man here: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...=1#post2442748

If you want to sign up, just respond to this message with your level, archetype, and character name.

Levels 35-50 accepted.

For anyone not familiar with Master-Blades method for defeating romulus, here it is:

"Rush his platform immediately after the Cutscene (the "Real Rom" wont be spawned yet).

You being there (not using stealth, or attacking a side-group to suppress it) will make him instantly spawn, but the Nictus' bond will be broken.

Once this happens, you can pull Rom away from the platform, and the Nictus will refuse to follow. As long as you keep him in Line of Sight of the Nictus (even hundreds of yards away), he will still continue to use them to Rez and you wont have to worry about them at all.

Without them.. any team should be able to repeatedly take him down easily."

See you all in game. I'll be at Imperious at 4:20 to send invites, so try and be in Cimerora by that time. I'm hoping to do a few speed runs.



Originally Posted by Jags_Powar View Post
Hey everyone, I know this is short notice, but I'm doing some ITF runs today. If you can't make this, there are already signups for a 7:30 run by Mr E-man here: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...=1#post2442748

If you want to sign up, just respond to this message with your level, archetype, and character name.

Levels 35-50 accepted.

For anyone not familiar with Master-Blades method for defeating romulus, here it is:

"Rush his platform immediately after the Cutscene (the "Real Rom" wont be spawned yet).

You being there (not using stealth, or attacking a side-group to suppress it) will make him instantly spawn, but the Nictus' bond will be broken.

Once this happens, you can pull Rom away from the platform, and the Nictus will refuse to follow. As long as you keep him in Line of Sight of the Nictus (even hundreds of yards away), he will still continue to use them to Rez and you wont have to worry about them at all.

Without them.. any team should be able to repeatedly take him down easily."

See you all in game. I'll be at Imperious at 4:20 to send invites, so try and be in Cimerora by that time. I'm hoping to do a few speed runs.

What's your fastest time for ITF runs on this server?



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
What's your fastest time for ITF runs on this server?
I'm not sure what the OP's personal best time is, or what the best time on the server is, but when I was running these several times a night last year.. we'd regularly get under 30 minutes. With a shaky team it'd be closer to 40, and with a streamlined team of regulars, we'd get closer to 20. I think my best personal time was actually 19:54... the only time I got sub20, and I started doing other things in the game after that. lol



My best so far is 45. No one seems to know how to do MB's method for Romulus properly (except of course you ^ Master-Blade). Would be great to run an ITF with you soon. I need to get the MotITF badge.



Originally Posted by Jags_Powar View Post
My best so far is 45. No one seems to know how to do MB's method for Romulus properly (except of course you ^ Master-Blade). Would be great to run an ITF with you soon. I need to get the MotITF badge.
I'm always around.. just look me up. We can put something together.



Originally Posted by Jags_Powar View Post
My best so far is 45. No one seems to know how to do MB's method for Romulus properly (except of course you ^ Master-Blade). Would be great to run an ITF with you soon. I need to get the MotITF badge.
Sekrit to betting Romy- Abusively good tank/brute (or 2) and a cold (or 2) a kin helps as well.

I've done sub 30 ITFs when 2-3 folks didn't know it was a speed run.


Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit