Couple of my own Peacebringer Questions




So I've finally got a character concept to use a PB archetype with. It's not actually a Kheldian though so my build would be humanform only. That said, here's my questions:

1) Is a humanform only PB a viable build? NOT all powerful, just viable and capable of standing out and soloing well if properly slotted.

2) What's the best guide to a pure humanform build for PBs?

3) This would probably be covered in said guide if it's top notch, BUT I'll ask here, now anyway. What do the rest of you Kheld players do to defend/resist Quantum Gunners? And I *AM* looking for more than the DUH answer of hit them first. I'm particularly interested in powers or special enhancements that would be applicable to a pure humanform PB also.



I'm positive I've seen some posts from the Kheldian community that have stated they play human-only Peacebringers, and I myself play one, so I know it's "viable."

As far as I know, there isn't any definitive "human only" guide for Peacebringers as of yet. However, I'm currently working on expanding my human-only Warshade guide to include Peacebringers as an "all-inclusive human-only" guide.

There are a couple other people who have sent me tells asking if I could include Peacebringers in the human-only guide, so I'm still working on it. I hope to have it done within a week or two, depending on my time/schedule.

That said, I hope that some of our other Kheldian community can also post some of their builds and why they chose or didn't choose certain powers--both to help you out, and to help ME out with presenting the most informed guide for human-form Peacebringers.

Once I finish up making up a Mid's build for what I currently have on AlienOne's human-only build, I'll post it here.


I just checked the guide section, and it looks like there is a human-only peacebringer guide from issue 11... I'd read up on that if I were you, as will I...

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



1 - Yes, a human form PB can end up playing like an energy blast/regen scrapper and be quite survivable. You will have some resists, good heals, some decent melee attacks and a tier 9, plus a few other additions. I would think careful playing and slotting can have you soloing +2/x8, but as a single target specialist it might not be too fast.

2 - Not sure, but someone will be along shortly to point you in the right direction no doubt.

3 - There isn't much to help you IO wise. You could slot for defence (3% +def IO, plus sets) and hope they miss you (You could probable get 15-25% to everything without losing too much +recharge), you can slot your shields up for resistance, but really voids have been nerfed so much that they aren't as much threat as they used to be once you get through the first 10-15 levels. Just hit em first if you are worried (Which I know isn't what you wanted, but there isn't much else to say). And if they do hit you then hit your heal and be back to full strength.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Well I just got my new humanform PB to 15, so I'll have to see how she handles Voids now. At level 7 running missions in Kings Row however, dealing with Quantum Gunners (all of which kept turning out to be bosses), it reminded me of the bad old days that made me shelf kheldians for a LONG time.

I admittedly do tend to favor resistance type defenses too. I hate it when a defense based character finally has their defenses gotten through and gets splattered, lol. I'm assuming Quantum Guns fall under energy defense, not something odd like dark, right?



I believe it's negative energy, and yes... I agree the void/quants will seem a LOT harder at the lower levels... Once you hit mid to higher levels though, they'll be a lot less of a problem.

I just read through that human-only guide, and there is some good information I can use... However, the premise the guide was built around (tri-forms don't get cosmic balance) is now irrevelant, as is a few more issues mentioned in the guide...

It's still got some good general information in there though...

*gets back to working on his own guide*


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Yeah, I looked over that guide & I have to admit there is alot of good general information there. I'm good at building blappers, so just having that concept in mind I think I'll be able to put together a solid build.

Staying humanform should keep my build focused as well as sticking to my RP concept too.

Hmmm... Negative energy huh? That would actually fit with the way my dark armor characters tend to do so well against Voids...

Thanks both of you for the help.



Against Voids and Quants I'd say you can do the following:

  • Get some form of stealth and hit them first.
  • Get Intimidate and Invoke Panic from the Presence Pool and fear the Q/V, hopefully before it stuns you.
  • Pop a BreakFree + Purple + Orange inspirations before the fight.
  • Slot your blasts with Chance to Hold IO's and use them in conjunction with Incandescent Strike.
  • Preferably all of the above, especially if it's a Boss-level Q/V.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



I believe that quant / void energy attacks are resistable now. If you take your energy / negative energy shield (quantum shield), quant and void attacks will hurt less when they hit you.



I would swear the last time I checked my combat log it showed I took X amount of energy damage, and 3X amount of 'nictus damage'.



I found this one again while just browsing the forum and figured I'd give everyone that helped an update.

My humanform only PB is 41 now, and I'm loving her. I've had blappers down for a while now, so once you all told me to plan my build that way, the light went on upstairs for a change, lol.

I'm going to look into implementing LordXenite's suggestions. Even with non voids that will help alot. The thing that's honestly been a HUGE help to me was just getting a single KB protection proc. With a few slots into Quantum shielding and the starter resistance power, the V/Q damage is bad but not horrible. It's the constant knockdown and KB that was making it problematic to deal with them before. Now... Yeah, a pain, but not a fatal one.

The only thing that gives me real problems now are stuns, especially on an ITF. As long as I don't get stunned, I dominate. The second I get stunned though, I'm dead.

End management is an issue in extended fights too. I have all three shields and tough for a total of 4 toggles on in combat. I guess I'm going to need to pick up conserve energy.



Originally Posted by Stardrive View Post
End management is an issue in extended fights too. I have all three shields and tough for a total of 4 toggles on in combat. I guess I'm going to need to pick up conserve energy.
From what I've seen most human only Khelds take Stamina. They can afford it since they don't have to worry about slotting forms and the extra powers that come with those.

That said, Tough may be overkill. Sure you get more Resistance out of it but combined with the three shields and no Stamina you're bound to have trouble with your blue bar. Conserve Power will help but it's on a long recharge. I recommend either respecing into Stamina or out of Tough.

Alternately you could drop one of the shields. I recommend Thermal Shield. Fire and Cold damage are the two rarest types in the game aside from Toxic.

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



1) It's very viable, but it has a big hole in that it lacks mez protection. Other than lightform and break frees, your best bet is to not get hit in the first place (see my answer to question number three). The good news here is that a large number of mez effects fall under either the ranged and/or energy/negative energy categories.

2) I don't know of any, but from experience, you're definitely going to want to think like a blapper and slot for offense over defense.

3) My Kheld went after set-IO's that provided ranged (and as side-effect energy/negative) defense buffs. For human-form that means 6-slotted Thunderstrikes in my ranged attacks, 6-slotted Mako's in my melee attacks, 6-slotted Stupefy in pulsar, 6-slotted Blood Mandate in photon seekers, and at least two-slotted Blessing of the Zephyr in both your flights and any other travel power you might pick up (I picked up super-speed to use in conjunction with stealth for PvE invisibility that you could attack out of since I'd already picked up Hasten anyway).

With the right powers you can get to around 40% ranged defense and around 35% energy/negative energy defense which makes those quantum blasts and void punches miss a LOT. As an added bonus, Sapper attacks (and the Malta taser stun attacks) are also all either ranged and/or energy damage so it turns those guys into little more than nusciences who miss A LOT. By the same token, many of the harder mez effects you'll face are either ranged psi attacks or energy/negative attacks... both of which will not land near as often.

Coupled with the improved recovery and accuracy you get from those sets, I was able to completely drop the special targeting binds from my Peacebringer. Indeed, I've generally found non-void/quantum/sapper targets to be far greater threats to me. My favorite activity these days is that when some courteous teammate warns "Void!" I reply "Where?" and immediately charge in to demolish it before anyone else can get a chance.

Then I reply "Okay, the void is down. It's not going to hurt you anymore."



I have a single form PB, my favourite toon. I've got my resistances/recharge and damage up. Good stuff.

Quantum Comet : Level 50 Peacebringer
Leader and Founder of The A.T.O.M. League (Union)



Here's my build for Professor Light. He doesn't have all of the sets slotted yet, but has been just fine with common IO's and SO's, with the sets just making him even tougher.

He's a human-form only PB (concept-wise he's not actually a Kheldian, but was infused with the Kheldian energy when a merging went wrong. The actual Kheldian personality matrix "died" but the energy transformed him anyway).

He's currently level 39 and has run with teams and solo just fine. When solo he used to run on Rugged, now he runs at +1/x3 (which is just about perfect for spawn sizes and levels for him, imo).

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA95535D4FD360187DDBB51B631B6343607C0C06DB64633 0B7C40B3F2E8C8A9A2|
|553A7A857EADC48074D6697B41BC12B516FFD0BC644D4FF60 BCF20729103F23627D|
|3E5EA60BC6C405CE695FCE39CF79567A79632928C4E619A14 4CF376B8E53AD18B51|
|5A36E9BD6AA61FBAED4DA1DBBD60C57EC56C3709C969D289B AB6B6D9F1022FDA7B0|
|7AB5D1302CC75C37F2E5CE7DD36A759CEA39886BA77A544BC 621D559C88F94AC35C|
|336AC76FEE0225869B59AF98B66DB82A9217903832126C077 4DBC8DD075C95A371D|
|B36E36CDF60311836A59F8FDAE0BF97175F14E15222CD42DB 89B15FD2F89065E118|
|DBF262ABE207A8F2E855C42C4E0C22FF6747902410A07691C D4D71334C841531CF4|
|015C1E0EF2788E2B78E42D10F56788165344FBA0D365BACEE 9DE7B9C5E230AD6397|
|D8568D220DA068B8F5D9AEF2605059789E64B440B97888EE5 48AE83D62FB7F22FD2|
|D10E240464BF00F7CB72BF6C4FBF5DD085A42EC4BAB9BFE97 C30222C4784533442F|
|10A1191AB4578B528AF16E5D58EF06A233DABF541D01007A9 4309D631C5983E41A3|
|61B9FB30EF3EF28FDD5568312A5B8C6EC05FE222F69004534 F88129B44C94744A9C|
|7441AB8C6A46B0CBB47C5F89E4AAE1F4433FB44A99F4C2E91 075C13EC5227AE718B|
|0B4445FE4ABEE8389FBFA5F80C1D79C1332D274D6F534C628 76997277D648A937C5|
|E3E512F22BB66B958928B25B9D81C179BE362459B5CDF607C 9A5D9E74918A1DCD31|
|A599A689BE822E236B667820BC4422C7474A6E8B42179E137 9E181E5E593CF6748F|
|C19C405E92FB07F52EBBE8EF0031F513E7452D1BA6F9A50E8 648A3478E6BA99DF7A|
|5524F9D932694CCB1ABEAEF2BF9CECEE7F7FDE040F86F8AFF 703DE40A820DC42B88|
|D7007E12E420DA18EB082E0BEEDBAC327B0ED49845308A711 9EA2C8170008200411|

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
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