Thematically, I like my Earth/Emp, but...




If I find myself on a low-damage team, I feel like such a chump with my abysmal damage contribution. The control is great, and being able to spot heal is nice, but I'm not digging how little force multiplication the combo provides.

I guess my question is, should I bother? I'm on the fence between trying to stick it out or try Earth/Kin or Ill/Emp. I'm not sure if everything will just fall into place later on like my Dark/Cold Corruptor, or if Earth/Emp is just too heavy on defensive support.



I've played loads of Earth trollers, got two of them to 50 and I love the set to bits. The problem with your combo is that Earth alone will provide so much control that you'll feel like your secondary won't be of much use. If things are stunned, held, chocking or on their arses, they won't hurt your team.

Or you could see it the way I like to see all my support toons: as puppet masters, hiding behind the curtain, pulling strings and making everyone awesome. You control, you buff'em and hope for them to realize that you are, in fact, helping the team a LOT and end up thanking you for your awesomeness.

Long story short, you may not boost your team's damage like a Kin, but they'll sure feel safer. Fortitude, AB and Auras + Earth controls = win.

@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant

Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]



Don't look at your contribution in terms of damage, look at your contribution in team safety and damage mitigated.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Fort & AB (and RA indirectly) contributes to damage, as does lowering enemy defenses through Earth control. You just don't see a lot of big orange numbers yourself.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



I'm not really looking for orange numbers though, that's the thing. I think I'm just finding that extra survivability becomes superfluous a lot quicker than offensive buffs/debuffs do. I will say this though, it's very nice to have a 95% hit rate against +3s/4s. I can't help but think how nice it would be to have Rad toggles on top of that, or FS.

I am going to continue on though. I think I need to get to harder content to see how it plays out. It's pretty easy to make most factions a joke in the high twenties/low thirties.



just get stoney hop him up with ab and fort, and watch him tank everything! not only can you control everything, but every time the recharge is up, recast stoney in the middle of everything......