We should be able to give NPC's no attacks, right?

Chad Gulzow-Man



Last time I checked we could put Custom Critters in a vegetable-like state where they couldn't attack, right? Why won't this work anymore? :S

Is it just me or is the MA being buggy since Walking was introduced?



I haven't checked on this in particular, as I've never specifically needed to do so for any missions I've created... but couldn't you just populate the mission with boss mobs and patrols set to be allies?

I'm pretty sure that's how Dr. Aeon did it in the first mission of the "Very Special MA Arc" for HeroCon.

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



I don't think you ever could. Even if you give them no attacks, they will have one. I did play a mission a few days ago where the enemies had Build Up and nothing else though, so I guess you have to give them one power, then choose a defensive secondary like Regen on Standard, with no visible effects.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Lo upon a day in i14, I accidentally put in my contact (who was specifically a "person" type critter) as an ally in one of my missions. The critter had a brawl-type attack regardless.

"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge