Fogless Fogged Maps?




Since I figure Dr. Aeon is more likely to read this forum... I'm working on an arc that uses the bolt-holes and lairs of various villains players have fought before, like Dr. Vhazilok and Ruladak the Strong.

While I like the use of Ruladak's lair as a thematic point... I sort of wish there was a non-fogged version of the map. As I understand the game, Ruladak's cave is fogged because he's there. But after he's been defeated and sealed away, shouldn't the fog clear up?

Could a version of the map be put into AE without the fog to help with players making stories after Ruladak's defeat?



I wanted to use that map due to it's somewhat serpentine and non-standard appearance, but the fog made me reconsider.




And... can we choose to add fog/smoke to maps please?



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
And... can we choose to add fog/smoke to maps please?
I suspect it would take some tech and UI work that won't be available until after Going Rogue for an actual fog on / off option to be implemented. Would be nice if you could specify Fog per Floor on some maps. E.G. : first floor of an office building clear. Second floor looks like Dark Astoria. Third Floor is Ruladak's can't see 5 feet.