I guess I'm lucky, but...
To begin, I want to point out that I have no freaking idea what the "mousebug" is. I've had no trouble at all. Then again, I diskwarrior and repair my permissions frequently and/or before every install, so...
But the thing that's bothering me with the mac client right now (and this is huge. HUGE) is the amount of CPU and memory the current cider wrapper is gulping down whenever I start CoX. I'm running at 80% CPU on bad days, and 60% on good. I can barely run any app on the side apart from iChat, and asking Safari to work usually takes an act of god. Now yes, the new client wrapper is way better. Smooth, easier loading, etc., but at the cost of making my machine an utter piece of crap (which it very much is not). Are we going to see an end to this? Will the mac playerbase see a more efficient cider patch that doesn't take away the new performance? |
What specs are you running? CPU,Memory,Video, etc?
I found that upgrading my Unibody Macbook's memory from 2 to 4 gigs added a noticeable difference in performance.
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To begin, I want to point out that I have no freaking idea what the "mousebug" is. I've had no trouble at all. Then again, I diskwarrior and repair my permissions frequently and/or before every install, so...
But the thing that's bothering me with the mac client right now (and this is huge. HUGE) is the amount of CPU and memory the current cider wrapper is gulping down whenever I start CoX. I'm running at 80% CPU on bad days, and 60% on good. I can barely run any app on the side apart from iChat, and asking Safari to work usually takes an act of god. Now yes, the new client wrapper is way better. Smooth, easier loading, etc., but at the cost of making my machine an utter piece of crap (which it very much is not). Are we going to see an end to this? Will the mac playerbase see a more efficient cider patch that doesn't take away the new performance? |
60%-80% CPU usage is normal, both for Windows and Mac. The problems you describe though sound like a RAM shortage, which is exactly what happens when you run multiple applications at once with very little memory installed.
If you want to run that much you're probably going to need 4 GB.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
60%-80% CPU usage is normal, both for Windows and Mac. The problems you describe though sound like a RAM shortage, which is exactly what happens when you run multiple applications at once with very little memory installed.
If you want to run that much you're probably going to need 4 GB. |
See, here's the thing. The previous Cider wrapper didn't do this for me. I could run at about... 50% CPU usage. It was streamlined as far as performance but caching Pocket D (or other high-poly zones) was another issue. This new client wrapper is just nasty. My specs are fine, and I have plenty of HD space as well.
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."

I did note a "known issue" when it was first released about higher CPU usage, but due to similar notes at Apple's forums about Snow Leopard and general higher CPU use I'm not sure if it's related to that or the Cider wrapper.
I have not, however, noticed any problems using other applications...in Windowed mode (pressing Cmd-Enter during the game). If you minimize using Cmd-Tab, there have been problems using other applications for a while now - that's a known issue also.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
To begin, I want to point out that I have no freaking idea what the "mousebug" is. I've had no trouble at all. Then again, I diskwarrior and repair my permissions frequently and/or before every install, so...
But the thing that's bothering me with the mac client right now (and this is huge. HUGE) is the amount of CPU and memory the current cider wrapper is gulping down whenever I start CoX. I'm running at 80% CPU on bad days, and 60% on good. I can barely run any app on the side apart from iChat, and asking Safari to work usually takes an act of god.
Now yes, the new client wrapper is way better. Smooth, easier loading, etc., but at the cost of making my machine an utter piece of crap (which it very much is not).
Are we going to see an end to this? Will the mac playerbase see a more efficient cider patch that doesn't take away the new performance?
My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."