Blurb Writer

Early Girl



Based on a contest held many years ago in the Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction --

You are hired by a publishing firm to write a blurb for a soon to be published novel. You haven't read the novel, but you do have a vague idea of what it's about. Otherwise, all you have to go by is the title - which contains a single unfortunate typo.


Tarzan of the Ales, by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
"A boy abandoned in a brewery grows up to become the King of Beers."

Firestarker, by Stephen King
"Things get hot when her clothes come off!"

The Sound of the Baskervilles, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
"The Hills are alive!"

Queen of the Black Toast, by Robert E. Howard
"Conan faces his greatest challenge: breakfast on the high seas!"

The Gall of Cthulhu, by H.P. Lovecraft
"Just who does this Cthulhu think he is, anyway?"

So, the challenge: pick a science fiction/fantasy novel or story (or movie or TV series) and change ONE letter in the title, and write an appropriate cover blurb.



New Mono

Werewolves and Vampires take ill alike in this heartpounding motion picture. An ordinary girl is there only hope if they are to survive. People are relating to this film as a pandemic takes over the globe.

(i think i messed up? )



Artemis Foul
"This book lives up to its name, it sucks



The Green Mime, by Stephen King
"What's worse than being on death row? Being on death row with... the Green Mime!"



Transfarmers, directed by Michael Bay

"A heroic group of farmers transform themselves into backhoes, tractors and other farm equipment to fight evil"

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Dude, by Frank Herbert
"It's tough being a teenager on Arrakis, especially when you're Paul Atreides and you can't find your giant worm."



Done with the wind
" "You know what? I've had ******* enough of this weather" Rhet was gonna kill something at this rate"