Do /fire attacks cause fear/runaway?




I tried to research this in mids and elsewhere but I can't find any info on whether /fire attacks cause runaway, which is obviously counter-productive to grabbing aggro.

Anyone know how it works or can point me to a link?




Originally Posted by Aragain View Post
I tried to research this in mids and elsewhere but I can't find any info on whether /fire attacks cause runaway, which is obviously counter-productive to grabbing aggro.

Anyone know how it works or can point me to a link?

They do not...however Fire Aura's Burn does.



Thanks for the fast reply - that helps a lot.



Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
Burn is like Caltrops without the slow.
Burn is like Caltrops coupled with speed boost.

Ice Ember



Originally Posted by Ice_Ember View Post
Burn is like Caltrops coupled with speed boost.

(But burn does do more dps... for the few seconds they are in it... )

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Reading this, it is a lot more than you were asking about, but since you are considering fire, maybe it will be useful.

Fiery Melee has good AOE attacks, and good single target attacks. They all have a DOT component, even the ones that don't specifically mention it. They do not have any mez type effects at all (no sleep, stun, hold, knockback, endurance drain, or to-hit debuff). The attacks generally do more damage because they have no secondary effects.
The extra PBAOE attack gives a bit more punchvoke-type aggro management than most sets as well.

The fiery aura primary is unlike most tank primaries. The heal is relatively quick and strong, and can be used without requiring a target. Fiery embrace is an excellent boost power, but it is slower than build up. (Although with build up in the secondary, you can get a really powerful short term boost by using both at once, or more boosted attacks by alternating them). Blazing aura also is the highest base damage tank aura, but the survivability is quite a bit lower than most.

The set has no inate defence and no knockback protection, and the resistances are not impressive compared to any other set, with the exception of having capped fire resistance. It also has no psionic resistance at all, toxic resistance comes only from the self-heal, and immobilization protection comes from burn, which does have the 'afraid' component, making them run away (they do come back to the tank eventually, because the taunt effects remain... but they are out of range of your damage capabilities for a little while). So... without IO sets, you pretty much have to take combat jumping/super jump/acrobatics and ?/tough/weave. (With the immobilization protection of combat jumping, you don't need burn. Some people like it, others don't. At one time it was rediculously powerful... no afraid effect, and fast enough recharge to stack multiple times. )

My oldest character, and my first 50, is a fire/fire tank. He is a lot of fun to play. You do have to use the heal regularly because of the weaker defence/resistances, but he is enormously better at damaging targets than any of my other tanks. The general idea is that if you kill them fast enough, you don't have to survive as long. You just have to play them differently.



Originally Posted by Monopole View Post
the resistances are not impressive compared to any other set, with the exception of having capped fire resistance.
Because the Toxic resistance is in Fiery Aura's excellent self-heal, Fire Tankers have excellent Toxic resistance = 60% with just SO's, if you're using Healing Flames on cooldown. I'm not absolutely sure, but I think that might be the highest of any Tanker primary.

Note: the 60% is if you are building Healing Flames for healing only. If for some reason you slot Healing Flames for resistance (seriously. . . why?) you can cap Toxic resistance.




Thanks for the excellent information.

I'm actually looking at Stone for the primary. I know Granite reduces the offense but at least I didn't want to be helping to scatter the bad guys.

The Fire primary does sound like more fun though and it's on my project list.



If you do go Fire for a primary, using Tough can get around 70% resist to s/l and cap fire resistance without having to use Temperature Protection. Adding in Weave helps a bit more as well. There are Fire/ builds that have soft capped defense, but they are fairly expensive to do so from what I recall.

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

Come show your resolve and fight my brute!
Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



Originally Posted by Jabbrwock View Post
Because the Toxic resistance is in Fiery Aura's excellent self-heal, Fire Tankers have excellent Toxic resistance = 60% with just SO's, if you're using Healing Flames on cooldown. I'm not absolutely sure, but I think that might be the highest of any Tanker primary.

Note: the 60% is if you are building Healing Flames for healing only. If for some reason you slot Healing Flames for resistance (seriously. . . why?) you can cap Toxic resistance.
I think toxic resistance is base 20% from healing flames.

On a separate topic, if you use Mid's hero planner, switch it to dynamic from level up mode, and then select just the tanker primary powers only, switch to totals and turn them all on, then hit the view totals button. From there, you can see the base values for defence and resistance, status protections, and debuff resistances. It makes it a lot easier to compare two sets. Just keep in mind, the larger the defence or resistance is before enhancing, the larger it will be when you are done.

For fiery aura, if you take them all, you get 30% smashing, lethal, energy, and negative resistance, 20% cold and toxic (after using healing flames), 90% fire, and 0% psionic resistance. Defence is 0% to everything. You get magnitude 12.98 protection from hold, stun, and sleep, and also from immobilization (after using burn). You get 20% debuff resistance from recharge and run speed debuffs.

Compared to something like invulnerability, you can see the big differences. If you take all the powers, but without unstoppable up, you get 10% (+1% per opponent in range of invincibility, up to 10, for 20% total) defence against smashing, lethal, fire, cold, energy, and negative, 45% resistance to smashing and lethal, and 20% resistance to everything else except psionics, which is 0%. You get 12.98 magnitude protection from hold, stun, sleep, and immobilize, and magnitude 10 protection from knockback and repel. For debuff resistance, you get 20% to recharge time and run speed, 25% to endurance drain, and 50% to defence debuffs.

That should give you a pretty good idea of how effective a tanker primary will be.

Oh, and going way back to the original question... if you select a power and look at the effects tab, it will show you the details about a power's effects. This is mainly only important when a power gives different values depending on the damage type. For burn, the effects are Magnitude -13 immobilization for 100 seconds and Afraid magnitude 50. To the best of my knowledge, everything in there is accurate.



I did look at Mid's but I managed to confuse myself lol.

From what I remember of playing a fire blaster, things like Rain Of Fire caused runaway but nothing is listed in Mid's under effects. Maybe I have it wrong for RoF and that's why I thought some info was missing.



After chasing requiem through the whole map on my fire/sr i´m not sure.



Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
After chasing requiem through the whole map on my fire/sr i´m not sure.

Requiem was running because he could not hit you.

Tank fire melee attacks do not cause foes to run. Burn causes foes to run. Burning Aura does not. (dev logic)

Ice Ember



Originally Posted by Ice_Ember View Post
Requiem was running because he could not hit you.

Tank fire melee attacks do not cause foes to run. Burn causes foes to run. Burning Aura does not. (dev logic)
Had the same problem with Giovanna Scaldi and Mother Mayhem. After i hit Scaldi with Incinerate she ran around the map and jump up a tree and spammed Dominate.
I had a mission in creys and decide to give jurassik a lovetap with scorch and it started running instantly



Fire is great for aggro due to the fact half of its powers are AoE lol. Area of Effect powers are the best for grabbing aggro because you are effecting the whole group instead of just one enemy. Fire is also renowned for it's impressive damage, even when it has been nerf'd it still is one of the most powerful AoE powers for tanks out there.

It is true Burn causes fear, it always has, but it has always been one of my favorite attacks. You can use it so many different ways. You can use it if you are finding yourself hurting in a battle, by using it you are attacked less meaning less damage is being taken in. You can also use it to hold aggro, yes it may cause fear but they still are pretty pissed off at you when you use it. They will keep on coming back to take a hit at you but they run away because they are afraid of the burn patch.

The best way I prefer to use it is to; throw off your build ups and if you have FE, then have someone in the group with an AoE hold(like tentacles from a D3) hold down the group, you throw down that burn patch and you are doing some amazing damage.

Burn really is the only fire power that causes fear and when you have burn, you also have fire aura that causes damage and aggro. That usually counteracts any fear problems you may have with burn.

Burn will always cause your enemies to run away(unless held) but they will come back.

If you don't want burn and just interested in the fire melee power set, feel happy to know that there is no fear in any of the powers.

Pinnacle - The Drunk Server!
MAIN: Desi Boy> Level 51 Fire/Fire Tank
Super Group: C.O.R.E.
Tanking since 05'



Damage over time attacks do seem to cause mobs to occassionally flip out. With /fire you will see things pull away from you and snap back due to your tank inherent/aggro aura.

The effect is more pronounced in conjunction with slows and -recharge but does occur with plain old fire attacks as well.

I don't have any hard evidence or numbers to support my statements--just a lot of time paying attention to mob AI in game.



Originally Posted by Monopole View Post
I think toxic resistance is base 20% from healing flames.
Yes. And by default it lasts 60 seconds on a 40 second cooldown. Which means when slotted for max healing (ie, healing and recharge), it gives 20 toxic resistance for 60 seconds every 20 seconds, aka 60 toxic resistance. I don't know of any other tanker primary that can stack its toxic resistance that high without using long, unsustainable cooldowns.

Note: yes, I'm aware that it's something like 19 seconds of 60 toxic resistance followed by 1 second of 40 toxic resistance. It's still a ton.




Yeah, Burn aside, Fire doesn't cause fear/runaway -- it causes falling down and coughing up exp.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Briarpatch View Post
Damage over time attacks do seem to cause mobs to occassionally flip out. With /fire you will see things pull away from you and snap back due to your tank inherent/aggro aura.

The effect is more pronounced in conjunction with slows and -recharge but does occur with plain old fire attacks as well.

I don't have any hard evidence or numbers to support my statements--just a lot of time paying attention to mob AI in game.
I've made comments to this effect in-game, but everyone tells me I'm imagining things.