P.E.R.C Protector's Haunted Halloween Event! 10/28-10/29/09
You pay to play. Having fun is ok. Kill Skuls or kill Crey. Hunt at night or in the day. Black or white or shades of grey. Play it your way. We have no say.
Silas' official theme song: Word Up!
I'm in!
Just wanted to make a change. For all villain events, I will be on my main villain: Vodou Priest. Hard to be on a hero while in the villain zones...
-Question deleted by author; reading comprehension ftw.-
<3 Kyo
Hey Healing, I should be able to help out with some of these events, I would have let you know earlier, but I found out just before leaving for Hero-Con that my work schedule for this week got moved to going in at 9am instead of 3pm. I might still be at work till 7pm ish, but I'll jump on ASAP once I'm home to lend a hand.

Self Proclaimed KING of Radiation
My Post count is > Dave Winfield
The Smoking Lounge. Saturdays @ Midnight on The Switch
Hey Healing, I should be able to help out with some of these events, I would have let you know earlier, but I found out just before leaving for Hero-Con that my work schedule for this week got moved to going in at 9am instead of 3pm. I might still be at work till 7pm ish, but I'll jump on ASAP once I'm home to lend a hand.
I'm so excited!!!!! I can't wait! I have to get HP and VP dressed up for this! They haven't gone to The Tailor/Facemaker for their alter costumes yet.
Rats, I was hoping to make it to today's events, but it looks like I'm going to be running in to work to drop off my benefits paperwork; methinks tomorrow might be a better day for it.
Then again, if I hurry ...
Today is the 27th?
Oh. Uhhh ... so it is.
After I get done at work, I'll probably take my shiny new medical card, go to the hospital, and see if they can check me for severe brain damage.
A run of these events are happening... TONIGHT!!!!!
The FINAL run of these events are happening TONIGHT. I hope all can come out and join!
Thanks again to our PERC reps for handling and supervising this event.
My son loved participating and wasn't aware that it was running 2 conscutive days until I told him last night. I let him use the main account and he won a recipe along with some inf so he was quite happy about that.
As one who's "been there, done that", I'm quite aware of the demands such a thing can put on your time. These multi-day ordeals can be quite demanding.
I'm sure Protector appreciates your efforts during these events but what they may not realize is that often, our PERC reps are called to officiate on other servers as well for the sake of impartiality and expediency. That involvement often doesn't get noticed despite its frequency.
Thanks guys, simply for caring enough to handle these roles.
Also, I thought the Story Telling contest was very original. Seeing how many players here write fiction perhaps we can look forward to more like this. I was slightly surprised to see that this didn't get more participants.
I know my own contribution* wasn't exactly a "story" since having occured in Real Life but I thought I'd jump in with it anoyhow. Splitting my prize between the other participants was based on that reason, and my son jumping up and down on his seat next to me saying "gimme gimme". I hope no one took offense at that decision.
*I'm not kidding here. My own mother can attest to what I shared. ...OK, getting the shivers again.
█ Players Guide to the Cities
Thanks Stalemate for saying all that.
And I don't believe Rasta, Archi, or myself were offended that you wanted to split your winnings. I personally enjoyed your story because I've had my own accounts to the paranormal.
Haha, your son was making me laugh throughout the night. He kept asking me if he was number 1 with his story... "GIMME" hahahaha
To be honest, I wasn't sure if I wanted to do the stories in-game or on the forums themselves. In-game proved to be a tad bit more fun though.
I hope everyone enjoyed the 2-Day Event.
October 28, 2009 & October 29, 2009
Times are the same for BOTH days
Trick or Treat (Hero)
Croatoa @ 6:00 PM (Eastern).
Hosted By: Healing Phoenix, and friends.
Details: Halloween is just around the corner and no Halloween is complete without Trick or Treating. Join P.E.R.C. (Player Event Resource Committee) in Croatoa for a Trick or Treating experience like no other. A representative will give out clues (in broadcast) as to where to hunt to find other representatives that will be handing out ToT goodies. You never know what you might just get.
Prizes may include:
Halloween Trick or Treat Goodies?
Rare Salvage?
VERY cool recipes?
Tier 3 Inspirations?!
Trick or Treat (Villain)
Port Oaks @ 6:30 PM (Eastern).
Hosted By: Healing Phoenix, and friends.
Details: Halloween is just around the corner and no Halloween is complete without Trick or Treating. Join P.E.R.C. (Player Event Resource Committee) in Port Oaks for a Trick or Treating experience like no other. A representative will give out clues (in broadcast) as to where to hunt to find other representatives that will be handing out ToT goodies. You never know what you might just get.
Prizes may include:
Halloween Trick or Treat Goodies?
Rare Salvage?
VERY cool recipes?
Tier 3 Inspirations?!
Halloween Stories
Pocket D @ 7:15 PM (Eastern).
Hosted By: Healing Phoenix, Archiviste, & friends.
Details: Join us in a round of Story Telling. Bring your best story and win prizes. Everyone that wants to participate has three (3) minutes to tell their story. At the end of the contest we will announce the winner.
1st Place: 15 Million
2nd Place: 10 Million
3rd Place: 5 Million
Honorable Mentions: 1 Million
Monster Mash
Pocket D @ 8:00 (Eastern).
Hosted By Healing Phoenix, Archiviste, and friends
CALLING ALL MONSTERS! Join us after the costume contests for a one of a kind costume contest. P.E.R.C. is in search of Paragon City's scariest and most frightening monsters. If you think your Monster Costume is the most elaborate and scariest this side of Croatoa you are urged to show up and participate.
Judging Details: A panel of P.E.R.C. players will be compiled to judge this event. Judges will be voting on creativity, costume idea, costume choices, and overall concept. All costume parts should be monster-ish and deemed appropriate for terrifying young children. Your biography, character name, etc. should all fit the monster concept!
1st Place: 15 Million
2nd Place: 10 Million
3rd Place: 5 Million
Honorable Mentions: 1 Million
Zone and Time will be announced after the monster mash.
Details: No finale is complete without making sure those banners are taking care of. And what better way to do that is with PERC? While we wait for banners to arise we will Trick or Treat through to be announced zones waiting for the banners to arise. When they arise, we will strike! No zombie apocalypse will stand in our way either!
And why not sweeten the fun as well. In either faction, hero or villain we will be visited by the ghost of Joules Grace (Hero) and Arsenics Rage (Villain) for Spooky humor and riddles. Whoever gets the right answer gets 2 Mil!