Mind/Emp vs Ill/Emp




Hi, Controllers.

I have a Mind/Emp Controller, my only Controller so far (and probably for the foreseeable future, since I don't plan to make new characters anytime soon). The other day, it occurred to me that I could reroll her as an Ill/Emp, which would offer much better damage and ability to absorb alpha strikes, the ability to do some pretty amazing stuff with a perma-PA build, better personal survivability with SI, and a pet I could use buffs on.

Rerolling is going to be very costly, especially in terms of time spent accolading and levelling to 50. I don't want to do this unless the result will be significantly better. That said, given a perma-PA build, is Ill/ going to be much better, damage-wise (both ST and AoE)? How solid is the control compared to a high-recharge Mind alternating between Total Dom and Mass Confusion? I can't think of anything from Mind/ that I would miss a lot on an Ill/Emp, except probably Mesmerize.

I should note that I skipped Levitate on my current build, if it matters.



Have you worked out how you would achieve Perma PA on a Ill/Emp?

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Perma PA on a /emp is just... waste...

but still, Illu/emp is better than mind, more soft control (PA, Spectral Terror), free invisibility that you can just sit back and heal people while no one notices you, and you don't need to pick stealth to combo with TP if you want to be full useful.

You can have 4 power pools:
Recall Friend

(or tp instead of SS))

As for epic pool, I'd take primal forces for Power Boost, (which is nice with Flash for emergency, or with vengeance, that can turn the tides of battle completely if your tank dies, making everyone close to def cap! )

The post above was made by a brutally honest person. It may contain sarcasm, dark humour, offensive language and typos! Don't lose your time trying to correct my spelling, english is not even my primary language...
My first guide, i15 plant/thorn dominator! Check it. NOW!



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Have you worked out how you would achieve Perma PA on a Ill/Emp?
Yes, or at least very close to it. I'm tentatively going with this build.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Originally Posted by Panikaze View Post
Perma PA on a /emp is just... waste...

but still, Illu/emp is better than mind, more soft control (PA, Spectral Terror), free invisibility that you can just sit back and heal people while no one notices you, and you don't need to pick stealth to combo with TP if you want to be full useful.
Can you explain why it would be a waste? The extreme recharge needed for perma-PA would help keep Fort up on more people and minimize aura downtime as well.

You make good points. I'm actually thinking of going Psi, for the mez protection (since I doubt I can fit 3 leadership powers into my build), and it's nicely thematic as well.



Because honestly, if get so close to perma PA, means you had to use ALOT of epics, and alot of influence...
Well, I don't know about you, but use so much money on a character that will be mostly built for your team... isn't worth it...

I am a bit selfish, I'd go as a Illu/rad instead, at least I could solo GM's, with less money, and still be loved by my teammates :P

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
This is the build I made, with recall friend and leadership, and powerboost.

63 sec recharge on PA, and yep, this build has no travel power, you'd have to buy the jetpack and use it as travel ^^ (which is not much of a bother in my opnion.)

------- Edit ----------

Found a good between the usefulness debuffs of a /rad with the lovely buffs of a /emp, your team will love you, and the AVs will still phear you!!

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
/thermal is awesome ^^

You could go for a nice concept as well as /thermal, like a burning ghost or something you can buff your phantasm to look like a nice burning huge ghost!

Fireball will help a bit, not much, but it's still fun for concept, you could switch to fireblast for a better ST chain against enemies: Blind/SW/Fireblast

The post above was made by a brutally honest person. It may contain sarcasm, dark humour, offensive language and typos! Don't lose your time trying to correct my spelling, english is not even my primary language...
My first guide, i15 plant/thorn dominator! Check it. NOW!



Ill/Emp is easier than Mind/Emp to play. Drop pets, buff, heal, done.

You don't need perma PA on an Ill/Emp, spectral terror works well as an opener 90% of the time and lets not kid ourselves here, you are not going to be an AV soloing champ even with perma PA. But if you do end up getting perma PA that means you can also rotate your buffs faster. With that level of recharge you can probably put fort on at least 5 people at any given time.



You can fort 7 with perma PA, fort will be down to 16-17 seconds recharge.

The post above was made by a brutally honest person. It may contain sarcasm, dark humour, offensive language and typos! Don't lose your time trying to correct my spelling, english is not even my primary language...
My first guide, i15 plant/thorn dominator! Check it. NOW!



Thanks for all your input. I'm kind of limited by concept - only Mind and Illusion work as primaries, only Emp works as a secondary and the only APPs that make sense for the character are Psi and Power. And I like playing Emp, too.

I will probably end up rerolling into Illusion in the end, although I'm pretty burnt out on levelling characters now.



I remember taking my Mind/Emp to 50. I can imagine being burnt out on it too.

I'll just point out one or two things that I think address some of your questions. Illusion is genrally stronger than Mind, and considering Empathy's a good small-team (or pet!) buffing set with no special synergy with Mind, I think it's largely a given that Ill/Emp would be a substantial improvement. OTOH, though I realize Illusion pets throw torrent now and again, which puts a little AoE in Illusion, but I doubt that's significantly better than damage-optimized Terrify (which is itself not exactly a feast of AoE damage.) Neither set has meaningful AoE damage-- certainly nothing on par with Fire and Plant.

Last, I think you'd have some adjusting to do in terms of going from MC & TD to PA, Flash, Spectral Terror. I don't think one of those two is head-and-shoulders above the other, but they'll play quite differently, even if they're not far apart in effective mitigation.

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
Hi, Controllers.

I have a Mind/Emp Controller, my only Controller so far (and probably for the foreseeable future, since I don't plan to make new characters anytime soon). The other day, it occurred to me that I could reroll her as an Ill/Emp, which would offer much better damage and ability to absorb alpha strikes, the ability to do some pretty amazing stuff with a perma-PA build, better personal survivability with SI, and a pet I could use buffs on.

Rerolling is going to be very costly, especially in terms of time spent accolading and levelling to 50. I don't want to do this unless the result will be significantly better. That said, given a perma-PA build, is Ill/ going to be much better, damage-wise (both ST and AoE)? How solid is the control compared to a high-recharge Mind alternating between Total Dom and Mass Confusion? I can't think of anything from Mind/ that I would miss a lot on an Ill/Emp, except probably Mesmerize.

I should note that I skipped Levitate on my current build, if it matters.
My Highest Controller to-date was Mind-Emp (before containment even) and I went this route for two reasons; Awesome Team support in both powersets and NO PETS.

Actually, I take that back, I had pets in every battle starting at about level 6 (Confuse )

So, my vote would be to stay with Mind/Emp. There are alot of Illusion folks out there.
Be different, work on IOs and combinations that will increase your dmg. Use Terrify and take an AoE from the epics and prove to all the folks that follow the tried and true route of Pets/Ill/Fire/Kin etc.... That Mind is awesome all by itself and offers (debatedly) the BEST controll out there and combined with Empathy you are the Ultimate team support.

P.S. Only you can answer this question really. Do you enjoy the character ? Do you find it tedious or difficult ?
You have to define why you are thinking of deleting the character and just do what you feel is going to make you happier.




Originally Posted by Nemu_ View Post
Ill/Emp is easier than Mind/Emp to play. Drop pets, buff, heal, done.

You don't need perma PA on an Ill/Emp, spectral terror works well as an opener 90% of the time and lets not kid ourselves here, you are not going to be an AV soloing champ even with perma PA. But if you do end up getting perma PA that means you can also rotate your buffs faster. With that level of recharge you can probably put fort on at least 5 people at any given time.
I agree with this, the main reason to take Ill over Mind would be that it's a more passive set - you simply drop the pets and then get on with using your EMP powers. Playing this way you wouldn't reduce your effectiveness, with Mind/EMP concentrating on your secondary potentialy you could.

L50s: Tanks: Cryofission - Ice/EM - Dr Celsius - Fire/Ice - Saint George - SD/SS | Controllers: Psichosis - Ill/Kin - Major Chaos - Ill/Stm | Scrappers - Neutron Crusader - DM/SR

Currently Levelling: Angelic Blade - BS/WP Scrapper | Seeds of Destruction - Plant/Kin Controller



Originally Posted by Enantiodromos View Post
I remember taking my Mind/Emp to 50. I can imagine being burnt out on it too.

I'll just point out one or two things that I think address some of your questions. Illusion is genrally stronger than Mind, and considering Empathy's a good small-team (or pet!) buffing set with no special synergy with Mind, I think it's largely a given that Ill/Emp would be a substantial improvement. OTOH, though I realize Illusion pets throw torrent now and again, which puts a little AoE in Illusion, but I doubt that's significantly better than damage-optimized Terrify (which is itself not exactly a feast of AoE damage.) Neither set has meaningful AoE damage-- certainly nothing on par with Fire and Plant.

Last, I think you'd have some adjusting to do in terms of going from MC & TD to PA, Flash, Spectral Terror. I don't think one of those two is head-and-shoulders above the other, but they'll play quite differently, even if they're not far apart in effective mitigation.
Thanks. You answered a lot of things that i wanted to ask, but didn't get across so clearly, I think.

Originally Posted by Biospark View Post
P.S. Only you can answer this question really. Do you enjoy the character ? Do you find it tedious or difficult ?
You have to define why you are thinking of deleting the character and just do what you feel is going to make you happier.
I'm not unhappy with the character; on the contrary, I've had her for a very long time and still enjoy her. It's a matter of illusion being more appealing rather than Mind being unappealing. It think Ill/ would perform better against enemies with mez protection (AE customs, mostly), solo better, be a lot more survivable and output a lot more damage. And if it can do all that with comparable control, I may be tempted to switch.

Originally Posted by Psiphon View Post
I agree with this, the main reason to take Ill over Mind would be that it's a more passive set - you simply drop the pets and then get on with using your EMP powers. Playing this way you wouldn't reduce your effectiveness, with Mind/EMP concentrating on your secondary potentialy you could.
I expect to be picking off things with holds and confuses even with PA around, but a primary that is less dependent on having my full attention would be nice, yes.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
Thanks. You answered a lot of things that i wanted to ask, but didn't get across so clearly, I think.

I'm not unhappy with the character; on the contrary, I've had her for a very long time and still enjoy her. It's a matter of illusion being more appealing rather than Mind being unappealing. It think Ill/ would perform better against enemies with mez protection (AE customs, mostly), solo better, be a lot more survivable and output a lot more damage. And if it can do all that with comparable control, I may be tempted to switch.

I expect to be picking off things with holds and confuses even with PA around, but a primary that is less dependent on having my full attention would be nice, yes.
It's a tough choice. Both are strong primaries, in different ways. Ill/ will definitely solo faster and play "safer" (thanks to PA), but if you're aiming at soloing mainly, I think there are better secondaries than Emp. Rad, Thermal and Storm come to mind.

If you're planning to team a lot, a Mind/Emp is fantastic. I love playing mine on large teams. You have an arsenal of controls at hand, and you have great buffs to pass out. Does it do as much damage as Ill/? No, but frankly, on a team, your damage output will pale next to a blaster or scrapper. The constant activity of the build is what actually attracts me to it - it makes playing a kin feel like slow motion sometimes.

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- Peter Griffin



I didn't think a consistent perma PA was achievable and quite frankly its perma PA or bust. If you can't get it you may as well not gimp some part of the build getting it. The build cost is too extreme trying. I had in my head an 8 sec shortfall not being as overly expensive as you and if you are going to fall short then you may as well fall short by more, having the build right. There should always be atleast a couple of alternative ideas to count on when perma is required, so perma isn't the be all and end all for anyone.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.