animations not working
Yes,I too have noticed this.Looks like I am just standing there.Not a nice look when teamed with others."Hey,you gonna just stand there.You AFK or something"?Hope the fix comes in for this.
Also a new bug came in with the last patch.Notice anything strange with the team window?Seems names of team members are blacked out.Even when all members quit the team,there is a black box with no name and the leader star next to it!
I believe our children are our future and I reflect on the lessons and values we taught them.
I believe the world has many real Villains,what we need are more Heroes.
*May you all be a hero in someone's life.*
since the new issue i've noticed about 1/4 of my animations on attacks dont go off. my toon just stands there next to target and damage may or may not can hear the sound of the attack go off. is anyone else having this problem?like i said this is a new developement since the last issue hit. any fixes/help/bug acknowledgement would be helpful. thxs.
There have always been cases of attacks not animating at all. On all ATs with all powers, at least in my experience.
I don't know wether this is a simple bit of lag, my laptop or what. But it has been happening for a long long time.
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Ranged Shot on my Kin/Arch Defender never animates, and 9 times out of 10 after Hasten auto-fires, I'll end up riding my bow like a broom if my character is hovering stationary.
On my Fire/Fire Scrapper, Fire Sword never animates and the sword appears only after the animation completes its swing.
I am currently at work and cannot get on to CoH, to give more specific details at this time.
This has been happening forever. I'm pretty sure it is part of the same problem as oil slick not lighting, toggle drop during zoning, etc. The client and/or server only sends commands once and if the server and/or client misses it due to a lost or late packet then too bad. It sticks or resets depending on the programming behind the power. More client side programming to detect power state and correct based off of retransmits to the server could help. Of course that would slow the client and server down doing stuff that really isn't game breaking.
This is common in all systems that use UDP protocol to transmit data. UDP is non-deterministic in that there is no guarantee that the packet ever gets to the destination and no way to determine that it did or did not make it.
The upside is UDP is cheap, fast and used in nearly every gaming system on the market. The downside is that it is subject to packet loss with no corrective measure for the lost packet.
The only real solution is to go back to TCP/IP for packet control which will slow the game to a crawl or implement a packet checking system which again will slow the system to a crawl.
Tech Support Rule #1 - They will lie to you. Usually intentionally.
I've noticed with prestige powerslide (the one that has the purplish glow that lets one "slide" instead of "sprinting") that since issue 16, i "sprint" instead of "slide", more often than not. i tried turning it off and on, and then the animation changes from "sprint" to "slide" and back, each time i toggle the powerslide off, then back on.
Then i noticed, leaving the powerslide toggle on, that if i was "sprinting", if i then jumped, when i landed i would "slide", until i jumped again, then i would "sprint" (the powerslide toggle was still on, all i did was jump). i can switch back and forth from "slide" to "sprint" merely by hopping.

I reject your reality and substitue my own!
--Adam Savage from "Mythbusters"
I'll add in that since I made my new rad/arch defender, I have not seen Radiant Aura animate, no matter what situation I'm in. Makes it look really stupid when I redraw the bow after no animation. I have the color customized on Bright if that makes any difference.
Is this is a specific build? Are all your alts exhibiting common behavior like this? Is it just in huge fights or does it show up in smaller battles as well?
-AK |
If people are seeing this a lot they should do /netgraph 1 and see if there's a correlation between the missing animations and network transmission errors.
I've recently just noticed (been solo testing an MA arc of mine) that on my main character (Shadowe, Union server) Power Blast sometimes performs the Sniper Blast animation instead of its own. It isn't at all consistent (or wasn't tonight on a couple of run-throughs of my arc) and will animate normally most of the time, and then will switch to Sniper Blast for two or three shots, before going back to normal. Toon's difficulty levels are set to +0 levels, x1 team, no bosses, no AVs.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

I've noticed this happens alot to my bot\traps MM. When I'm in large fights and I go to place mortar, poison trap, or triage beacon on the ground, the animation doesn't play and I'm not rooted for any amount of time
since the new issue i've noticed about 1/4 of my animations on attacks dont go off. my toon just stands there next to target and damage may or may not can hear the sound of the attack go off. is anyone else having this problem?like i said this is a new developement since the last issue hit. any fixes/help/bug acknowledgement would be helpful. thxs.