F/F: Am I making any mistakes?
I wouldn't say you're making any mistakes, as it's really more a matter of playstyle and preferences, but I can give some advice based on my experience with my Fire/Fire/Electric.
First off, having both Flares and Fire Blast is much more useful after the changes that were made to Defiance and to the animation of Flares itself. They both can be used while mezzed, so might as well have both is my opinion.
Fire Sword is optional, but my blaster has it for when a single mob gets into melee range. FSC just isn't practical in that case. I would agree with Fireball and Build-Up being ASAP powers, but I would get Blaze before Build Up. Blaze is worth more to you at that level than the brief few seconds of +Damage Build Up gives.
Air Sup and Fly are fine, that's preference again. Mine has the Jumping pool for Combat Jumping, and Acrobatics, simply because my blaster is built with almost soft-capped Ranged Defense (which CJ helps with), and I hate using Knockback Protection IO's. Anyone else is entitled to their opinion on that, but I'd rather just take a power than spend oodles of influence on a single IO that doesn't do anything besides protect against KB.
Blazing Bolt is optional, but would be considered another preference thing. Consume I would classify like that as well, but it is useful. Just keep in mind you need to have at least some End to use it.
I personally don't have Burn or Hot Feet on my blaster's main build, and I don't really have much experience with them honestly.
You could live with just Teleport as a travel, I just prefer Jumping for the Immobilization protection, and try as might I just don't like Teleporting again and again and again through a zone.
Anyways, that's my .02 on Fire/Fire. My apologies if I said anything you already knew.
Here's my 1-38 plan. I'll comment between them to justify my taking certain things. I know some of my personal tastes will flag as errors unless I explain.
1 Fire Blast 1 Ring of Fire No choice, like Fblast better than flares. |
2 Fire Ball ASAP IMO 4 Flares Crap, I had to choose between Fire Sword, Combustion and Flares. Sine I'm picking up FSC at 10, why bother with FS. |
Also as a note, I've been running a Rad/Fire recently and running hero stats. I have Irradiate, Fire Sword Circle, and Combustion all slotted identically. I had identical numbers of activations of both Combustion and FSC but was surprised to see that I had been doing about 13% more total damage with Combustion. Irradiate blew them both away but mainly because it had about 30% more activations
6 Air Sup I fly. I don't hover. And Fire shouldn't have redraw. |
8 Fire Breath 10 Fire Sword Circle 12 Aim Obvious choices. 14 Fly It's Fly. 16 Build Up 18 Swift 20 Health 22 Stamina ASAP Buildup pushes the Stamina set back one. 24 Blaze 26 Blazing Bolt 28 Consume There was a note saying Consume was great with Inferno. No one challenged the person's statement. However, only one out of five of the guides had a person taking it. |
Consume is good if you plan on using Inferno as often as it's up. Aim + BU + Inferno, then pop a catch a breath as you are on the way to the next spawn, consume when you get there and continue on with the mayhem. Its a play style choice more than anything. If it works for you, go for it.
30 Recall Friend I'm polite to people who slack on the travel powers. But not until 30. 32 Inferno 35 Burn 38 Hot Feet |
If you are looking for Immob protection Combat jumping is superior for the blaster. The end cost is negligible and it gives as much immob protection as you are likely to need. (If you get immobed while running CJ you have a more serious problem with incoming damage than with the immob) CJ also gives a little defense to all positions and accepts some very useful set IOs.
OK, and then I need to pick up something at 41. As much as it is a theme buster, Ice looks good. But having a nine foot huge with as many spikes and horns as you can get on them [imp ears look like horns if with underlord horns and a monocolor jester hat] made of red and black, and then spittin' out ice. Hmm. |
For Fire/Fire Ice Epic and building for smashing/lethal defense is a good idea.
Force Mastery is also a very nice epic for a Fire/Fire.
If you go with the Fire epic make sure that you take Rise of the Phoenix. You'll use it frequently.
Other thoughts are...could I live with just tp as my travel? I've never had tp. I get recall pal since they appreciate it and the rest of us hate waiting. Again, wonderful forum. Thanks for answering my noob questions w/o cruelty [unless you're having a bad day, and then, sure, kick the dog (me)] |
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
Anyone else is entitled to their opinion on that, but I'd rather just take a power than spend oodles of influence on a single IO that doesn't do anything besides protect against KB.
I happen to like -kb IOs simply because they cost no end and saves me a power pick. I've never picked up acrobatics on any squishy toon since the advent of these.
They also happen to be extremely cheap. 75 merits (which easy for even the most casual of casual players to get) gets you the one of your choice. Or they can be had for 3-5M very easily, which is only 3-5 pieces of rare salvage sold on the market.
You can afford to delay FSC into the thirties since Fireball + Firebreath is sufficient AoE for the early game. You should also try to take Blaze ASAP, at leve 18 if at all possible, since it's useful for killing single dangerous targets like mezzers and bosses quickly. I'd recommend:
1 Fire Blast
2 Fire Ball
4 Flares
6 Air Sup
8 Fire Breath
10 Swift
12 Aim
14 Fly
16 Build Up
18 Blaze
20 Health
22 Stamina
... and then FSC as soon as you feel comfortable and have the slots to spare.
APP -> Fire !
Rise of the Phoenix ... nuff said
I went with Force mastery with my Fire/Energy (Force of Nature is pretty dang awesome), and am considering Electrical mastery on my Fire/Fire (EM Pulse is a great power sorely needed in a set that doesn't have much mitigation).
However, Melt Armor is rather tempting out of Flame Mastery.
char is also a good mitigation tool (short activation time)
but i'd like to comment on that :
That requires that you die |
A blaster faceplanting is something you shouldn't be ashamed of ... Be proud, be strong and use your amazingly awesome selfrez !
Thanks for the good advice.
First off, having both Flares and Fire Blast is much more useful after the changes that were made...
Fire Sword is optional, but my blaster has it for when a single mob gets into melee range. FSC just isn't practical in that case. |
I would agree with Fireball and Build-Up being ASAP powers, but I would get Blaze before Build Up. Blaze is worth more to you at that level than the brief few seconds of +Damage Build Up gives. |
...Combat Jumping, and Acrobatics, simply because my blaster is built with almost soft-capped Ranged Defense (which CJ helps with), and I hate using Knockback... |
...try as might I just don't like Teleporting again and again and again through a zone. |
My apologies if I said anything you already knew. |
Firesword is an excellent single target power very capable of finishing off mobs that enter melee with you. If you are planning on spending any time in melee range (and you should /Fire is very good for that) you may wish to re-evaluate this.
Your primary and secondary are all attacks do you really need another one? You'll probably have attacks sitting in your power tray that you never use especially if you have a decent amount of recharge. |
Blazing Bolt is a highly situational power and even more so if you are going to be in melee alot. There are better powers though this makes a good set mule. |
Burn is another one of those situational powers...If you are looking for Immob protection Combat jumping is superior for the blaster...and accepts some very useful set IOs. |
[I've got to quit with the forum...it's double XP weekend!]
Teleporting in with Hot Feet running works very very well. |
PM Stratonexus and see if he'll post or PM you a link to one of his fire/fire/fire blaster videos. I know that he uses teleport on at least one of his /fire incarnations.
I'd do it except that I don't have the ability to make videos.
It's quite impressive when you see it in action.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
I'd like to keep them out of melee, but if Fire should be played more blapperly, I might need to pick it up. But...there are only so many things I can get. My only trivial power is Recall Friend at 30.

That being said, Fire/Fire can be played as a ranger just fine. I'd recommend taking only Ring of Fire, FSC or FS, Build Up, and Consume (if you feel you need more endurance). Fire Sword is very helpful in taking out pesky Lts. and bosses, but not really necessary. FSC is also skippable, as Breath + Ball is very potent. A ranger Fire/Fire gets to take lots of pool/APP powers, since the secondary has mostly melee stuff.
I have always liked TP as a travel, but it is not a set and go travel power. You have to keep playing, instead of being able to grab a cup of coffee (and somteimes it is just nice to be able to get that cup of coffee instead of click/flash - click/flash - click/flash - click/flash - etc.).
This thread has some great discussion on /Fire Manipulation.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
I'm not sure exactly what blaze is. I've really never noticed anything that I would consider a close, one target attack from a fire blaster near me in combat. I know what build up is. |
If you don't know what blaze is, I don't think you are qualified to be giving advice on a fire blaster
If you don't know what blaze is, I don't think you are qualified to be giving advice on a fire blaster
That being said, I missed that no one responded to his Blaze comment, so I will.
Blaze is life. It is the greatest single target attack available to blasters. When you hit an enemy with Blaze, their face melts off, their flesh turns to cinders, and they emit a satisfying groan of agony (or whatever you want to role-play in a less kill/more arrest oriented world).
Blaze is taken at level 18, and two slots should be put into it at level 19. If it were me, I'd take Swift at level 6, Health at level 14, Blaze at lvl 18, Stamina at lvl 20, Air Sup at 22, and Fly at 24. You can Fly (and Jump) early with Safeguards or buy a flight pack in FBZ.
I'd be thrilled if the devs just took Travel powers out as power selections finally and made them costume options at creation.
Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.
On my fire/fire/fire blaster I use all the primary attacks. (Alpha attack only in omg moments)
As far as the secondary set I tend to keep a distance so the melee stuff doesn't get used often. (Fire Sword, Fire Sword Circle, Burn, Consume, Blazing Aura)
I have Hover/Flight and the fitness pool.
Endurance is never an issue as fire tends to mow things down real fast.
Just a quick reply about Air Superiority vs. Hover:
Unless you plan to slot Air Superiority, there's not much of a point in taking it. Sure, it does -Fly, but that's not that necessary on a ranged AT* in PvE. Given its relatively low damage, compared to powers out of your primary and your secondary, you're not likely to want to slot it.
Hover is effective unslotted.
* "ranged AT" meant to be understood as "an AT that has an array of ranged powers available to it", not to say that "blappers are not a viable playstyle choice".
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Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Fire Sword is actually pretty inefficient, however. It does less damage to the endurance than all other single-target attacks in the combo (and less than is normal) and its damage over time is actually pretty poor. It's good for shock damage for when something gets close or when you run into melee, but as a sustained attack, it's actually one of the worse ones. I was surprised to find this out, myself.
I'm not adverse to a bit of endurance inefficiency since I tend to use IO sets for additional recovery. In fact in my experience /Fire is tremendously endurance inefficient for a low/no mitigation AT. Blaster mitigation is "killing them before they kill you" long DoTs tend to run contrary to this design.
You may have dealt more than enough damage to kill the mobs when the long DoTs are taken into account but failing to finish them before the damage resolves may result in your own defeat. "Wasting" extra endurance on additional attacks to "kill them now" is a viable strategy if you have the extra recovery to do so.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
Here's my 1-38 plan. I'll comment between them to justify my taking certain things. I know some of my personal tastes will flag as errors unless I explain.
1 Fire Blast
1 Ring of Fire
No choice, like Fblast better than flares.
2 Fire Ball
4 Flares
Crap, I had to choose between Fire Sword, Combustion and Flares. Sine I'm picking up FSC at 10, why bother with FS.
6 Air Sup
I fly. I don't hover. And Fire shouldn't have redraw.
8 Fire Breath
10 Fire Sword Circle
12 Aim
Obvious choices.
14 Fly
It's Fly.
16 Build Up
18 Swift
20 Health
22 Stamina
ASAP Buildup pushes the Stamina set back one.
24 Blaze
26 Blazing Bolt
28 Consume
There was a note saying Consume was great with Inferno. No one challenged the person's statement. However, only one out of five of the guides had a person taking it.
30 Recall Friend
I'm polite to people who slack on the travel powers. But not until 30.
32 Inferno
35 Burn
38 Hot Feet
OK, and then I need to pick up something at 41. As much as it is a theme buster, Ice looks good. But having a nine foot huge with as many spikes and horns as you can get on them [imp ears look like horns if with underlord horns and a monocolor jester hat] made of red and black, and then spittin' out ice. Hmm.
Other thoughts are...could I live with just tp as my travel? I've never had tp. I get recall pal since they appreciate it and the rest of us hate waiting.
Again, wonderful forum. Thanks for answering my noob questions w/o cruelty [unless you're having a bad day, and then, sure, kick the dog (me)]