Magic rooms possible yet?




I recently made a few changes to my base and am *really* missing my double width doorways (i used to have...)

Anyone found a way to create wide doorways since they nerfed it, or heard of any base construction loving coming our way?





No way to do the double doors yet, if ever again. I really wish they would re-add them also, as I've had to remove a few of mine to rearrange rooms.

No annonced base loving coming our way either, but they always seem to squeeze a little something for us into each issue...lately:

  • Storage Items individual permissions
  • New pathing rules
Thos are pretty big things they've given us...but we're still not given enough love.

I suppose they don't consider we base builders important enough. My base building is one of the main things keeping me in this game after playing since beta.

If only they would give us an entire issue of attention. New items, new base designer. New building abilities. I personally don't think that's too much to ask, considering how large a portion of their subscribers are base builders needing a loving touch



I predict that if/when base love does come down the pipeline, it will be PvP oriented, not Architect oriented. They have yet to show that they can treat both aspects with equality.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



I still hold onto the hope that we will get some attention one day.

When that day will be is a mystery.

Black-Strike: lvl 50 AR/Dark Corruptor
Brutally Beautiful: lvl 50 BA/Inv Brute
Seared Earth: lvl 50 EC/EA Dominator
Yashi Onuku: lvl 50 Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker
Death-Widow: lvl 50 Night Widow



Mmmm, I'm of a mind that after GR we'll be getting an issue devoted to pretty much nothing but bases, especially considering they appointed Sunstorm as the "Dev in charge of bases" recently but have had him plugging away on stuff for GR instead of bases.

I'm thinking that when we DO get an upgrade we'll have an option to toggle for "Raid pathing" or "No raid pathing" so those of us who want to build a PVP oriented base can do so and those of us who would rather build elaborate, pretty bases can. Or hell, they may find a way to let you do some nifty stuff and still have a raid capable base for all I know.

Either way, I'm hoping for a ton of new style sets (we've had the same ones since launch, would it kill them to let us build offices or apartment style stuff?) and a revamped building interface. The way it works now I try to move an object and it goes five different ways than what I thought it would. If they implemented a better grid system and a viable y-axis then that'd make it much easier. I'd also be pleased as punch to see a way to use the arrow keys to place objects instead of drag and drop as it would make for easier precise positioning.

Anyway, that's just what I'm hoping for. As is I can't build bases at all for the way the system works, I just can't get my head around it, nor muster the patience. If they can find a way to make it more solid then they just might have a new base builder on their hands.



I really feel that we will have an issue dedicated to bases when they decide to bring back the CoP and raiding functions. One thing that concerns me is the concept of anchors and how people can hide them behind objects which obviously creates an unfair advantage. My guess is that anchors will be put away or have no effect when it comes to raiding since people will have to remove them and thus change room layouts.

I don’t see this happening anytime soon, so we will have to use what we have. The base building community is significantly smaller then the general population, so there priorities come first unfortunately.




...And when (if) those changes do come, there will be a reckoning for those who want to PvP in their base, but have taken advantage of the removal of base pathing rules. My base would never mesh with the old pathing rules, and it would be easier to delete the whole thing and start over than try to figure out what objects are blocking the paths.

I never got to do a base raid, but it won't break my heart if I don't get to PvP in my base... I'll gladly sacrifice that for the versatility we are now allowed, and the plethora of landscapes we can create and inhabit.

To me, I think that when they bring back base PvP, they should add 'PvP plots' as an option-- no cost difference, just when you switch to a PvP plot it restores the (hopefully revised) PvP pathing rules, then shows you path-blocking objects in red so you know what to remove. You couldn't save the base without fixing all the paths. Those of us who want to stick to the 'no-PvP-but GORGEOUS' plots can do so. I also doubt that we would be forced to 're-path' our bases regardless; the powers that be are more than aware of the amount of work and creativity people have been pouring into bases, and you'd have to be a real Mr. Potter to wreck that.

...Although, even with the new arena invite system... I still want a Danger Room. A big base room with PvP enabled... somehow...

And even though I think it would be a blast to PvP in my bases as they are, allowing such a thing to be possible would also allow bases to be designed that would basically be raid-proof villain traps. C'est la vie, c'est la guerre.

Check... and Mate (poster) - Arc ID# 15095 (comments)
Invasion on Earth BX1132! (poster 1) - (poster 2) - Arc ID# 98943 (comments)
Global @ARH



For all those concerned about PvP messing with your bases, it shouldn't.

Not unless the devs fail to realize a simple solution that everyone would enjoy, or what I consider to be a simple solution has a major flaw.

Add a second PvP base slot.

This would be the same as a second costume slot in many ways and should comparatively be piece of cake from a programming level.
The rules for the second base and ONLY the second base would be as follows.

1) Uses PvP pathing/Stacking etc rules. since it is a new slot no one needs to change their current base, nor loose any neet base editing features. Yea!

2) Can’t use any object deemed to induce serious PvP lag such as torches.

3) Can’t use more then X items in the entire base or Y items per room. X and Y = maximum number of worst case items found to induce lag.

4) Prestige. Add a new catagory PvPrestige and simply duplicate the prestige level from base 1 to PvPPrestige. After all their is already code to calculate the total value and amount of prestige if I remember how earlier base rent was calculated.

5) If, and I say, I say If boy, the Devs are concerned about market abuse then they can make storage items not work. Most aren’t even need or can be worked around in PvP raids. Enhancements would be obvious, after all why do you need to access enhancements during a base raid? Salvage would be another because while Empowerment stations might be used for a raid, since they last longer then raids are likely to you can simply empower in the PvE base before the raid starts. Inspirations are the only one that I think they might need to leave in and they could limit those to only 3 per base. And this only needs to be done if they feel having 18 inspiration bins would break game balance. Heck our SG can't empty 1/2 a bin before are anal retentive memebrs start filling it back up with larges.

Twice the building potential for baseaholics. Thus it will keep them playing the game longer. Thus more money for NC.

More objects for bases. After all any new objects made for PvP bases (As a quick example Prison cells, Manacles, Mobile medical units and Damaged items) can easily be made also available for PvE bases. In fact if base PvP is succesfull under such a system consider that every call for new items by PvP basers, is also a call for new graphics for PvE bases

Current bases will not have to be modified.

More interest in base building. Non PvP base builders may find themselves in demand by at least some PvPers looking for Style as well as substance.

The only one I can see is that some of the awesome PvE bases won’t be seen by some PvPers since they won't be creatable in PvP, but I don’t see that there is any solution to that.

2 more upgrades which would probably make most of you even happier.

1) They MIGHT even be able to add a PvP/PvE switch for the second base. If flipped off then the second base would be a second canvas for all base builders albeit without storage ability but with unlimited stacking. How would that grab you. A second whole canvas to explore your artistic desires!!!

2) This goes with numer 1. A "copy base" feature. Would copy your PvE base to PvP, BUT until you make the changes that comply with PvP rules it would stay Pv only. This would make many nice bases easier to move over, though if the number of items in base PvP is to low it would probably not be worth it.

Think positive. Base PvP may well add lots of good options for you folks.

HP Lovecat