Taking Flight because it's iconic




Originally Posted by Roofles View Post
I've never played a tank where my travel power made a bit of difference. You're a tank just get to the mish in any fashion that tickles your fancy and tank. It boggles my mind how caught up people can get in min/max builds sometimes, really this game isn't that hard......



Originally Posted by Roofles View Post
I've never played a tank where my travel power made a bit of difference. You're a tank just get to the mish in any fashion that tickles your fancy and tank. It boggles my mind how caught up people can get in min/max builds sometimes, really this game isn't that hard......
It boggles my mind how some people still haven't figured out different people have fun doing different things. Some people have "fun" making min/max builds. Some people roleplay or have heavy concept builds and never even open up a planner. And some of us find a happy middle ground.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



I took Fly on my Inv/SS tank, because I was looking for a certain iconic appearance.

I replaced Punch with Air Sup and that's about it really. I didn't take Hover.

This Tank can handle anything the game can throw at it - bar heavy Psi damage - and that's without it being fully decked out with IO's.

It makes absolutley no difference to certain Tank set combos whatever travel powers you select.

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



Originally Posted by SilentZoe View Post
I observe, I track information. It's just like most of the stalkers I have played with are pretty useless, but there are those who take the AT and really shine with it.
Since I'm considering my first Stalker as my next toon: What would say most are failing to do that they should?



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
Has anyone taken flight because they wanted it for concept even though doing so gives up some defense?
It isn't necessarily giving up on defense. Hover/Flight can be run at the same time as the other defensive powers, including CJ.

If your standard tanking technique is to fly into the middle of a mob, then there's little difference between that and using SJ, TP or SS.

If you like to herd, then Flight can be a superb herding ability. I've seen flying Invul and WP tanks drag three mobs into a corner (fireball one, fire blast another, taunt the third) in half the time it would have taken a stone tank to jump between them.

Additionally, with that kind of herding, most of the alpha strikes are ranged, not melee, and tend to do less damage.

I've also seen beautiful tight herding with a tank hovering just above the heads of the mob, just within their melee/aura range. It takes a lot of skill and the right situation, but it can maximise those AoEs.

Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
Is having fly worth losing the extra (on all the time) defense from maneuvers?
Personally, I think Maneuvers is a bad power for a tank. You're not there to buff the team, you're there to draw all of the aggro and survive it. There might be a strong argument for Weave in your build, but not Maneuvers.



Originally Posted by Harkness View Post
Personally, I think Maneuvers is a bad power for a tank. You're not there to buff the team, you're there to draw all of the aggro and survive it. There might be a strong argument for Weave in your build, but not Maneuvers.
This is a very contradicting statement.

You say Maneuvers is a bad power for a Tank because "You're not there to buff the team, you're there to draw all of the aggro and survive it".

I think you forget that Maneuvers also gives the user a defense buff...thus adding to my survivability for when I draw all the aggro.



Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
This is a very contradicting statement.

You say Maneuvers is a bad power for a Tank because "You're not there to buff the team, you're there to draw all of the aggro and survive it".

I think you forget that Maneuvers also gives the user a defense buff...thus adding to my survivability for when I draw all the aggro.
Except that Maneuvers is a very weak buff to your Defense, whereas Weave is a bigger buff. Weave is over twice the Def buff that Maneuvers is, and takes less endurance to run.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Except that Maneuvers is a very weak buff to your Defense, whereas Weave is a bigger buff. Weave is over twice the Def buff that Maneuvers is, and takes less endurance to run.
Maneuvers is weaker than Weave...but weave is not in question. Weave is in my build no matter what.

Also, as you know...when your trying to push your defense towards the soft-cap...the, over 3% when slotted, defense of maneuver will help alot.

Also, even though my main roll is to protect the team by holding the agro, it's still nice to be able to give my teammates some extra defense.



FWIW, I end up taking Maneuvers on a few of my scrapper/tanker builds to cap X defense. I sometimes even take it in favor of Weave, cuz the build doesn't need, or more likely doesn't have room for, Boxing/Tough, and Man. by itself is just enough to get to the magic 45%. The extra def for my teammates is gravy, but honestly, it's not much of a consideration, at least for my melee builds.

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Fly and Hover - all my tanks have it - have a boatload of advantages for tanking:

  • Tactical advantage, easy to find glowies, hostages etc on outdoor maps
  • Mobs can't switch to melee if you don't want them to, most ranged attacks are weaker than their melee powers
  • Can be used for a vertical range pull, e.g. when a map is packed with spawns (too much to handle for aggro cap)
  • Can tank witches, Nightstar
  • Can stay out of AVs' AoE range for example Arakhn or Ghost Widow won't be able to get their PBAoE heal targetted on you
  • Can stay out of Carnies' END drain AoE
  • Tyrant and the lava pool
  • Shadow Shard

These are just a few examples but you get the idea.
For normal tanking Fly/Hover has no advantage and Fly has a terrible inertia when fully slotted and before lv 45-50.
For low ceiling maps, e.g. tech labs I prefer SS over Fly over SJ.

Can have mobs targetted AoEs (on you) not hit anyone else around!
Oh and yeah, Fly good for chatting