Hurt and Heal the For Fun! Forums




Thought I'd steal Golden Ace's idea and try it out with the forums. I'm excluding the Forum Games section because I think it's a fair guess that it would win.

City Life 10
European Lounge 10
Oceanic Lounge
Mission Architect: Stories and Lore 11
Suggestions and Ideas 9
Comic and Hero/Villain Culture 10
Roleplaying 10
Screenshots and Fan Creations 10
Multi-Media 10

Stories and Lore +1
Suggestions and Ideas -1



Protector 47 -
Triumph 83 +



Protector 45 -
Triumph 85 +



Protector 44 -
Triumph 86 +

"Kickblast: Known as the first to die, last to die, and one to die every time in between." -Sun Splitter



Protector 43 -
Triumph 87 +



Protector 41 -
Triumph 89 +



Protector 40 -
Triumph 90 +



City Life 10
European Lounge 9 (-)
Oceanic Lounge
Mission Architect: Stories and Lore 11
Suggestions and Ideas 9
Comic and Hero/Villain Culture 11 (+)
Roleplaying 10
Screenshots and Fan Creations 10
Multi-Media 10

and in other sillyness

Pittsburgh 5 (1)
Cleveland 27(+)

Self Proclaimed KING of Radiation
My Post count is > Dave Winfield
The Smoking Lounge. Saturdays @ Midnight on The Switch



Oh hey Triumph, what's up. Hey just thought you should be seeing this.

It's the top servers by Hero-Con attendance. I don't see you guys on the list however.

I'm sure it's some kind of mistake. I mean, there's no way you guys are so lame that there would be less of you there than us right?

*runs out of the thread before the uncontrolable laughter starts*

Self Proclaimed KING of Radiation
My Post count is > Dave Winfield
The Smoking Lounge. Saturdays @ Midnight on The Switch



Originally Posted by Rastafari_Man View Post
Oh hey Triumph, what's up. Hey just thought you should be seeing this.

It's the top servers by Hero-Con attendance. I don't see you guys on the list however.

I'm sure it's some kind of mistake. I mean, there's no way you guys are so lame that there would be less of you there than us right?

*runs out of the thread before the uncontrolable laughter starts*



Originally Posted by Red Valkyrja View Post
/\ This /\



I thought this became a joke and died off. I guess I was only half right.

City Life 11
European Lounge 8
Oceanic Lounge 10
Mission Architect: Stories and Lore 12 +
Suggestions and Ideas 8 -
Comic and Hero/Villain Culture 11
Roleplaying 10
Screenshots and Fan Creations 10
Multi-Media 10



Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
Osu 4 -
ou 127 +
Owch. My pride.



Oh I cannot let this happen.

City Life 12
European Lounge 6-
Oceanic Lounge 10
Mission Architect: Stories and Lore 12
Suggestions and Ideas 9+
Comic and Hero/Villain Culture 11
Roleplaying 10
Screenshots and Fan Creations 10
Multi-Media 10

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



City Life 12
European Lounge 5-
Oceanic Lounge 10
Mission Architect: Stories and Lore 13 +
Suggestions and Ideas 9
Comic and Hero/Villain Culture 11
Roleplaying 10
Screenshots and Fan Creations 10
Multi-Media 10



City Life 12
European Lounge 5-
Oceanic Lounge 10
Mission Architect: Stories and Lore 12 +
Suggestions and Ideas 9
Comic and Hero/Villain Culture 11
Roleplaying 10
Screenshots and Fan Creations 11
Multi-Media 10

Screenshots and Fan Creations +1
Mission Architect -1



City Life 13
European Lounge 3-
Oceanic Lounge 10
Mission Architect: Stories and Lore 13 +
Suggestions and Ideas 9
Comic and Hero/Villain Culture 11
Roleplaying 10
Screenshots and Fan Creations 11
Multi-Media 10



City Life 13
European Lounge 2-
Oceanic Lounge 10
Mission Architect: Stories and Lore 13
Suggestions and Ideas 10+
Comic and Hero/Villain Culture 11
Roleplaying 10
Screenshots and Fan Creations 11
Multi-Media 10

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



City Life 13
European Lounge 1-
Oceanic Lounge 10
Mission Architect: Stories and Lore 14 +
Suggestions and Ideas 10
Comic and Hero/Villain Culture 11
Roleplaying 10
Screenshots and Fan Creations 11
Multi-Media 10